NetSUS cant change base URL to https after loading internal CA


we have just stared testing Netsus for an internal SUS instance as our firewalls are now woeful in handling any SUS requests from T2 enabled macs esp now at build time now Mojave installs insist on updating T2 first or it fails out the rebuild/upgrade.

we have installed our SSL cert today and its been happy presented to our browsers, when web admiring, however we cant seem to change this now into our signed URL for Mojave updates, it just doesn't except a new or additional (s) in the protocol, and I have removed our branches in case it needs them clear to change the base.. any other suggestions?



scratch that, so it looks like for SSL it has to be external root CA to have a BASE URL for SSL for Mojave clients, assume someone can confirm?

Esteemed Contributor II

@L-plateAdmin If you don't have an EV cert you'll need to configure softwareupdate so that it's not required for Mojave clients. See Netsus for Mojave and Configuring clients to use your Reposado server