new flash player out

Valued Contributor II



Valued Contributor

I saw last week's pre-announcement of a security update to Reader and Acrobat scheduled for today, but I didn't think Flash was implicated. I guess it's assumed at this point, so much so that they don't even bother to mention it.

Not applicable

Legendary Contributor III

Looks like Adobe hasn't updated their xml page that contains the latest release information. That page is used by AutoPkg to pull down the current version. Its still reporting version, so currently AutoPkg may not be pulling the new version down. Just an FYI for anyone using that.

Contributor III

I normally use the Flash Player Distribution pkg straight from Adobe into Casper Admin, but this version isn't working for me. Will look into it further, will use Composer for now.

pkg works fine running manually on the local machine.

Valued Contributor

@davidhiggs Are you downloading the "For System Administrators" package from their distribution page? I get the package out of that DMG and rename it. It's installing fine for me.

Contributor III

@JPDyson yeah that's the one I normally grab, I must have gone wrong somewhere. will post up if it's worth mentioning!

New Contributor III

the URL linked here worked fine for me:

Contributor III

I tried to push it out to two machines yesterday and no dice. even my composer package. but today, no problems. weird, anyway carry on!

Contributor II

@davidhiggs - It looks like I'm having the same issue you had trying to push this package out. Was there anything that you did leading up to it magically working? It's been broken for me for a while now :(

Contributor III

I think i must have deleted it from casper admin, saved. downloaded again from adobe, uploaded, indexed and saved.

ps. your name handle is being weird on Jamfnation! I can't get it to stick @Aaron

Contributor II

Hm, did all that, and then some. Spent pretty much all day yesterday with folders/sharing/permissions/etc, only to narrow it down to the package itself. I haven't tried Composer yet though. I guess I'll see if I can do it that way until next release, where it'll hopefully get fixed.

New Contributor

I am having the same issue. Can't get the package to push out on test machines. Have deleted, re-downloaded, fixed permissions. etc. several times and no luck.

Tested with a different package to make sure something wasn't wrong with JSS but that worked fine. Clearly the package. I am going to try via Composer next and see what I get. I think I remember one of the early packages under version 12 doing the same thing.