Offline notification

New Contributor

Hi everyone,

We are deploying Caspersuite for mobile devices and Macs. We would like to let self-service available outside network for Mobile devices but not for Macs.
As we store packages on SMB share, it already does not work for Macs, but there is no notification for user.
I mean the install tries and stops without notifying the user.

Is there some way to check connectivity in the policy and then to notify the user he should be on the company network ?

Thanks for ideas !



Contributor III

Hey Vincent,

You could likely knock something up using the built in notification and some checks but the simplest way is to setup network segments and limit any OSX policies to your internal VLAN/s, that way they can't see the policies at all unless they're on your internal network.

Hope that helps!


Honored Contributor II

Assuming you want to present the apps in Self Service, regardless of network connections, but prompt the user if they aren't on the right connection, I would go for:

- A policy presented in Self Service that just runs a script to check what connection they are on - If they aren't on the right connection, display a message / notification - If they are on the right connection, trigger a second "main" policy to actually install the item

TBH I normally do what Darren said, better to not offer things to users that they can't have!

New Contributor

Thank you for your replies.

Good ideas ! Network segments is a bit complicated to configure as we have many subnets, but it could be one solution.
Using two policies sounds good also.
I'll check both way to choose the best one !

Thanks again!
