Prestage Enrollment not working

New Contributor

Hello, I am trying to set up prestage enrollment for iPads at my company.

I followed the instructions listed in the guide by integrating JSS with DEP, however, once I select the prestage options and then go to scope I have no devices listed there and cannot add any manually.

Am I missing a step? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Contributor III

On the JSS check Settings > Device Enrollment Program > (Your company's account). Under the "Devices" tab you'll be able to see all of the DEP devices currently assigned to that account and what prestages those devices are in. If can only add devices to a pre-stage if they're unassigned, so you'll need to unassign them from an existing prestage to move them over. This is a pretty easy way to get a bird's-eye-view.

If you don't see any devices there, you'll likely need to assign those devices to the JSS via your DEP account by serial number or order number.