"Failed to delete Core Storage information" during 10.10 imaging


This is on Casper Imaging 9.65.

After creating a config with a base 10.10.2 DMG (but I also used a custom one made from AutoDMG), a user PKG, and a directory binding, I receive this error (screenshot attached) when attempting to image.

This seems to happen on all my images now.

Interestingly enough, this has been happening on devices that already had 10.10. When I attempt to image devices that have 10.9 or below, it seems they can't mount the volume (attached this message as well).

Is there something wrong with my NetBoot set? Very surprised how this has all fallen apart.


Release Candidate Programs Tester

@btaitt sorry but can't see the images.

Contributor II

Were you seeing similar behaviour before upgrading your netboot to Casper Imaging 9.65?


@bentoms Odd, don't know why my pictures didn't attach. I'll try again. @Matt.Sim This is new behavior since upgrading to 9.65, yes.

Edit: What a day. Forget it, I'll just host these on imgur:

Imaging to 10.10 drive
Imaging to 10.9 drive

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@btaitt Odd. This was one of the fixes in 9.65.

They aren't Fusion or FV2 enabled drives?


@bentoms That's what I thought; I saw a bug similar to Core Storage issues but that was supposed to be fixed. They're not Fusion drives for sure, just 2011 and 2012 MacBook Airs.


@bentoms Sounds like 9.7 was released and I saw this in the release notes, perhaps it's related?

"D-008217 Fixed an issue that prevented Casper Imaging from creating multiple partitions when imaging a drive that has core storage enabled."

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@btaitt Can't hurt to try!


Ok, so an update:

  • I updated to 9.65, which resolved some issues but other messages came up.
  • Going to this link from the University of Utah that I found here on JAMF Nation allowed me to fix the other messages and now I'm imaging. Yay!

I don't know why everything was working on previous releases until 9.65 then back on 9.7 but I'll take it.

Contributor II

I am having this issue as well. I am running 10.10.3 Netboot casper imaging 9.7

"Failed to delete Core Storage information" 31c55ce250414238859f1189bd2d0b4a


@bwiessne are you using a modified rc.netboot?

Valued Contributor III

Not identicle but related, we are using a script for Deploy Studio to remove existing partitions.
It works perfectly but for whatever reason if there are existing Core Storage volumes it will fail about 10% of the time. Generally you just try again and it works the second time round fine.

Contributor II

@btaitt Interesting enough, I had issues like this before. If you run a "repair" on the disk before, it would work. In my netboot image, I have created a app that on startup asks if its a "new mac"(meaning having 10.10) on it, if it does, it runs a repair on the disk, then I can proceed to imaging.

Give that a shot and see if that helps.

New Contributor

Just wanted to add that we had the same issue and resolved it by using the modified rc.netboot.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@jasonkramer how were you creating your NBI?

Contributor II

We are seeing this consistently right now on a large 10.10.3 deployment we are working on. @bentoms The Netboot Image we have is 10.10.3 and was created with AutoCasperNBI 1.2. The source OS Image was created with AutoDMG. @chlaird Yes we had the rc.netboot option checked.
We are running Casper 9.72. We recently updated from 9.63 and so far so good. Before we were actually running Casper Imaging 9.65 with the 9.63 JSS as it seemed to do a better job with 10.10.3 but overall 9.72 does seem to be better. The odd thing to all of this is that if we netboot a bunch of machines and start them they will give that "Failed To Delete Core Storage" error. But if we try to do this a second time it works fine. So something gets done in that first pass that allows it all to run on the second try. So we are still working, but it would be nice if this just worked on the first try. I'm not sure if it's a Netboot Image issue or a Casper Imaging issue. Just to add these machines are new MacBook Pro's out of the box. The factory OS on them is 10.10.1. They have never been booted before.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@rcorbin have you logged a call with support? Would be interesting to see their response.

Contributor II

Ok @bentoms I will do that right now.

Contributor II

@rcorbin did you try running a "repair" on the disk before hand and i stated above. We ran into this issue before and this solves the problem. It's only for 10.10 machines.

Contributor II

Running a repair on the disk before imaging worked for me as well.

Valued Contributor II

Saw this "Failed to delete Core Storage information" for the first time today. Casper imaging 9.65 imaging new 13 (non retina) macbook pros. Strange only some machines in the order though. Using AutocasperNBI with modified netboot.rc file. Having techs try disk repair.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@CasperSally :( I have had success with Casper Imaging 9.65 myself, as per this post.

Can you try Casper Imaging 9.72?

New Contributor

I'm also seeing "failed to delete Core Storage information" in Casper Imaging 9.72 in a netboot set created with AutoCasperNBI using a 10.10.4 image from AutoDMG. I'm not seeing this in netboot sets created with Casper NetInstall Image Creator.

New Contributor

We are also having exactly same problem in Casper 9.72, from a 10.10.4 image with new iMac's

At present we have had to use workaround due to the time frame of getting them out, format the drive....it fails, try again it formats succesfully and then the image process works fine, not ideal but got us through for now, need to obviously find a suitable fix once this deployment is completed.

Honored Contributor

I just saw this today. However if I unmount and remount the partition and then try to run Casper Imaging again it seems to work fine. I ran into this in a brand new out of the box Mac for what its worth.

New Contributor

We have been having this issue since today, -on a new macbook pro retina -image is 10.10.4
-made with autocasper nbi

-another image with winclone

tried repairing,remounting the drive to no succes. Any new ideas?

Contributor III

Casper Imaging 9.72, old school NBI build (no AutoCasperNBI) and Mac Mini 7,1 (running 10.10/14A389 straight outta China) ... could not delete CS using typical imaging/erase hd workflow. I'm going to mess with it a bit to try and establish a pattern.

Curious what OS/builds those having trouble are finding installed (perhaps not relevant)?

edit: CS info deleted on reboot/2nd pass. Meh.

Contributor II

I've seen it before with MAc minis. Open disk Utility and run Verify Disk on the Mac Mini, then try to image it.

New Contributor

We tried to verify the disk,repair the disk, to format it manually, to unmount it and mount it again, we still get the same error. the error only occurs when in casper imaging on the netboot i check the " format before deployment" box.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@william_rogan can you post the Casper imaging debug log from the AutoCasperNBI when it fails?

Did you tick the rc.netboot option when creating the NBI in AutoCasperNBI?

Lastly, can you unmount the Macs HD when booted into the AutoCasperNBI created NBI?

Valued Contributor III

We use the modified rc.netboot and a 10.10.4 base netboot and Casper Imaging 9.73 and we see this pop up in about 2 out of 10 machines that we are imaging currently. We do have erase target drive selected. We are imaging macbook air 2015s right now with a single partition. If I force quit Casper Imaging and then open disk utility and wipe the drive 1st, then it works fine. Really annoying.
Edit: Now this is happening to each machine. Really very annoying.
Edit2: After checking my netboot system out, I found that my netboot clients folder had over 1500 entries. After clearing this out it seems I may have fixed this issue. Not sure though.
I wonder if the edited rc.netboot file includes a limit on client records that would have caused this.
Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

New Contributor

I found out that if you reboot after error and run Casper Imaging again, it suceeds!

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

So I've seen this, and honestly all I've done is opened Disk Utility and erased the drive that way. Usually the first time fails and the second time succeeds. It's been limited Retinas and Airs built before the mid-2015 build.

Contributor III

I've seen this like many others, but I've created a fork of AutoCasperNBI to include a hard drive reformatting script that runs before Casper Imaging. This script nukes the drive and repartitions to a single HFS volume. CasperImaging then takes over and installs our clean image.

New Contributor

So far I have only seen this on new iMacs

Valued Contributor II

@cdev would you mind sharing more information about your fork of AutoCasperNBI and the reformatting script you are using? I'd be interested in your script especially. Thanks.

Valued Contributor III

Still happening to us as well when the machine is first formatted. It wont allow disk utility to unmount the drive the first go around. Then I quit disk utility then it will erase the volume and allow casper imaging to continue.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor

I'm having the same issue as @gshackney. Gotta format it twice for it to work properly.

Edit: This is for new computers.

Valued Contributor III

So has anyone found why the netboot is not allowing this to delete properly the first time?
I'd love to fix this at the root of the problem.
Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor II

We've had similar issues with new computers that ship with Core Storage volumes. We created a simple formatting script that we run before Casper Imaging launches to destroy the Core Storage volume and create a new one. This has worked well for use so far.