Recon error, Software update timed out after 300 seconds

Contributor II

I've been seeing an error, "Software update timed out after 300 seconds" lately when a device runs an inventory, recon.
Any one have an Idea what this is from?  In the device inventory I'm not seeing any pending apple software updates or failed MDM commands.


Valued Contributor II

From the 10.39 release notes:

[PI109755] When a computer inventory submission hangs and "Collect available software updates" is selected in the Computer Inventory Collection settings, the computer successfully moves on from the failed command after a period of time.

Esteemed Contributor II

@burdett To build on what @cbrewer posted, if you do a softwareupdate -l in Terminal on a Mac that's reporting that error does it complete as expected?

I used jamf remote to send softwareupdate -l.  It is taking a long time to finish.  It is running an older system 10.15.7


I have recently been seeing this on a few computers as well since 10.39.1

Count me in.

Contributor II

I haven't checked the last release but as far as I know this is still broken. I talk about this issue here - This Page Here 

I sincerely miss having Jamf being able to grab security, safari and app store updates automatically.

Valued Contributor III

There are issues with software updates with later versions Big Sur ...We have to 

sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/

to get it working  : ) don't really know if it's Apple or our security software. : ) 



So far all the devices with this issue are 10.15.7.   a policy to run launchctl kickstart -k system/ on the devices and run an inventory have done so error free.  

You are awesome. Thanks so much for this. It's hitting and fixing our entire fleet now. (I was looking at lists and policies this morning and said out loud, "11.6.5 is not up-to-date!")

Unfortunately, this fox did not resolve this issue. But, thanks for the suggestion @gachowski 😀

That is brilliant, @gachowski 
Thank you so much

I can see this issue since Jamf 10.39.1 on various macOS versions (10.15.x, 11.x & 12.x) and kickstarting the softwareupdate daemon does NOT solve it.

Contributor II

Unfortunately. True. It did not resolve the issue. 

It did for a lot of machines for us but not all. This is clearly a pretty bad bug which they hopefully fix ASAP.

Valued Contributor

That command helped me today! 


Esteemed Contributor II

Be aware that as of macOS Sonoma 14.4 Apple will not run a launchctl kickstart -k command against most system services, including

Valued Contributor

I was running against a Ventura laptop. 

But thank you for the info, appreciated.

Honored Contributor

Add me to this.  macOS is 10.15.7, 11.x and maybe others now...truly annoying to say the least.

New Contributor

We are experiencing this as well. I have submitted a support ticket.

New Contributor II

We are also seeing this issue across our estate. Its affecting multiple OS versions. Its not every device, and its not every inventory, but its happening frequently enough. However, previously policy's often failed to inventory when 'Collect software updates' was selected. The inventory would fail due to software update collection, but the error wasn't reported. Whats changed is better error reporting. I'd still like to know why its failing though, is it a Jamf of an Apple issue?

Honored Contributor

Random here too, and it's timing out on the "software update" bit.  Even though we have a decent amount of Extension Attributes, it's never done this before, so yeah, sumpin' is up.

I've run sudo jamf recon -verbose, but nothing other than that shows as the culprit here.

Valued Contributor III


I have seen on machines not enrolled in Jamf a few times, so I assume it's a Apple issue... : ) 


Starting to see this on random computers in the enterprise, after updating to MacOS 12.4.  Is it just a matter of extending the time, if possible?

Locating hardware information (macOS 12.4.0)...
Software update timed out after 300 seconds.

Created a script & Policy and pushed to those computers with recon errors.  It seemed to have worked.

launchctl kickstart -k system/; sleep 10; softwareupdate -l; sleep 10; /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf recon


I am not seeing this error at all anymore on our 800 Mac fleet as of around 7/18. I only saw it very rarely after running this on all of them:
launchctl kickstart -k system/; sleep 10; softwareupdate -l; sleep 10; /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf recon

Honored Contributor

Still seeing on ~10 Macs here...I hate it since I have email notifications setup for failed recons...

Honored Contributor

@A-bomb - I'm not against trying this, but it makes me wonder what went wrong - Jamf or the Macs or?

Not wanting to change what's been working without understanding why it's happening.  But, thank you for that. Maybe I'll test one and see what happens...


@scottb It seems MacOS is between updates and it fails finding the correct version.  I am seeing this on 11.x macOS mostly.  Once they get the update or the script, it seems to resolve the recon issue.

Honored Contributor

@DMH2000 - OK, I created a policy and scoped a couple troubled Macs to it...will report back. 

Honored Contributor

So, the Macs I ran the script on seem to be cured for the moment...

Thanks for the info, but I hope this goes away with Jamf 10.40.0.

Valued Contributor III

@scottb macAdmin slack knows/thinks it's a Apple/macOS issue and has happened on the past three or four version of macOS.



Contributor II

Seeing this too. We're rolling out the 'Nudge' framework to enforce software updates, documentation states to include an 'Update Inventory' command as part of the Nudge policy. Noticed I have a lot of computers failing on the collecting inventory part. Google search of the error lead me to this thread (though we do have Jamf Pro). 


Rolling out a 

sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/

 to all computers to see if it helps.

+1 for hoping Jamf 10.40.0 fixes this.

Valued Contributor II

I recently updated my on premise JSS from 10.37.2 to 10.40.  I am now seeing the error “Software update timed out after 300 seconds.” a LOT during (2) specific tasks (not including any MDM software update commands):

1 When a policy includes an update inventory payload (after installing a pkg for example).

2. When a managed Mac checks in to upload its inventory as part of a scheduled routine (daily).

This appears to be mainly affecting macOS 11.x Big Sur Macs, but I think I have seen it on macOS 12 Monterey as well.

I do not see that  
PI109755 is resolved in 10.40.1

Honored Contributor

Still seeing some of these, even on Macs I ran the script on.  Not as many, but still...

FWIW, it is on 11.x and 12.x Macs.

Valued Contributor II

After talking to Jamf Support (on an unrelated call) they indicated that this timeout issue should be affecting mainly Jamf Pro customers running 10.39 and 10.40 (I think) and only affecting macOS 11 Macs (that has a known documented issue of softwareupdate getting 'stuck') but I have seen it on macOS 12 too To remediate, I am running a simple one-liner script to kickstart the macOS softwareupdate process on a regular schedule (set to weekly but might run it daily).

 sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/

Valued Contributor

Jamf 10.40. Saw recon hang at "Locating hardware information" on a Big Sur machine, and kickstart fixed it. Monterey machine running 12.15.0 hung, and kickstart didn't resolve it. Upgraded to 12.15.1 and kickstart still didn't resolve the hang on "Locating hardware information. Ran recon with --verbose and it seems to hang after Gatekeeper status. Machine has the default Gatekeeper configuration though, so not sure what the issue would be.

Locating hardware information (macOS 12.5.1)...
 verbose: Device is BLE capable: no
 verbose: Device is SIP protected: Enabled
 verbose: Checking AD status...
 verbose: Gatekeeper status: App Store and identified developers

Contributor II

This problem has plagued my environment for many months to a point that I stopped collecting software updates in the the inventory.  Apparently, Jamf hasn't fixed this yet as of v10.44.1.

Valued Contributor II

We are still running periodical kickstarts here at my org which certainly cuts down on the errors in inventory but I still see a few each day.

Honored Contributor

Each round of recons (daily) shows a few as well.  Not a huge issue, but would like to see no errors on this...