Rolling back new Leopard Macs to Tiger

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What's everyone experience installing Tiger on Macs coming in with
Leopard? We just got a new Mac Book in, and are not quite ready to make
the move to Leopard, just wondering what your experiences are.

Thanks, Cindi Starr
Rapid City Area Schools Technology


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New Contributor

AFAIK, the latest rev of MacBooks (late 2007 model, Santa Rosa
architecture, Intel GMA X3100 integrated video) only supports Leopard.

No Tiger drivers = no downgrade possible.

I haven't tested this but that's what everyone is saying.

Jeff Johnson
Technology Coordinator
Glendale-River Hills School District
Glendale, WI

New Contributor

It's not only drivers but they typically update the boot ROM on the new
machines to only recognize the new system which makes this very very
difficult and really not even worth trying.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

One of our staff tried to install Tiger on a new MacBook and you run into a lot of driver weirdness and graphics glitches, along with the new keyboard shortcuts not working, as we'd expect given the changes Apple did with the hard ware as has been mentioned.


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Serious sleep issues too for us...........don't do it!

- Matt