Posted on 02-10-2019 11:07 AM
I began to get frustrated whenever a teacher requested a new PhET simulation be added to self service. I have to package in composer, add a script to quarantine the Java file so that students can open it. I finally decided to write a script for it and figured I'd share and take any input or ideas!
# Download and add Java files to quarantine.
# Upload script to Jamf, create a new policy and use variable 4 for the direct download URL.
# Use variable 5 for the EXACT file name
# Version 1.0
# Created February 1, 2019
#Get download URL from variable
# Echo function
echoFunc () {
# Date and Time function for the log file
fDateTime () { echo $(date +"%a %b %d %T"); }
# Title for beginning of line in log file
Title="download $quarantineSoftware:"
# Header string function
fHeader () { echo $(fDateTime) $(hostname) $Title; }
# Check for the log file
if [ -e "/Library/Logs/download$quarantineSoftware.log" ]; then
echo $(fHeader) "$1" >> "/Library/Logs/download$quarantineSoftware.log"
touch "/Library/Logs/download$quarantineSoftware.log"
if [ -e "/Library/Logs/download$quarantineSoftware.log" ]; then
echo $(fHeader) "$1" >> "/Library/Logs/download$quarantineSoftware.log"
echo "Failed to create log file, writing to JAMF log"
echo $(fHeader) "$1" >> "/var/log/jamf.log"
# Echo out
echo $(fDateTime) ": $1"
echoFunc "Variable 4 is: $4"
echoFunc "Variable 5 is: $5"
echoFunc "Curling download file."
curl -s -o /tmp/"${5}" "${4}"
echoFunc "Copying download file."
cp -f /tmp/"$5" /Applications/
echoFunc "Adding to quarantine."
xattr -r -d /Applications/"$5"
echoFunc "Removing temp file."
rm -f /tmp/"$5"
The only problem is that it can't be added to the dock or launchpad because it is a .jar. Next version I hope to add a piece to turn it into an App or see if I can alias it or something.