Self Service and Authentication

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi All

Correct me if I am wrong, But you shouldn't need to enter an Administrator password to install items through self service?

We have the authentication option turned off, And don't prompt for details but for every single package its asking for a Admin password.

It was not doing this last week, What could possibly be causing all packages installed through SS to be needing this now?

Any help would be appreciated



John Szaszvari
Network Manager | Monte Sant' Angelo Mercy College
02-9409-6281 | jszaszvari at | 128 Miller St, North Sydney


Contributor II

Hi John,

I've seen this happen too, however only for 1 or 2 workstations, so I didn't spend much time on it. Would be interested in the cause if you find out.

For those workstations, we ran recon again, cleared cache, re-opened self service and was ok.


Lisa Davies
ICT Client Services Manager
Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview
Phone: 02 9882 8413
Mobile: 0417 005 735

Contributor III
Contributor III

This happens when the management account's password in inventory does not match the password on the machine. This just happened to me the other day. I made sure both passwords were the same and ran a recon. No more prompt for password.


Honored Contributor

Yep this is totally the answer. Self Service is going to try whatever account you have for management first. If the JSS's stored password and the actual local password don't line up, it'll prompt interactively for admin credentials.

You'll most often see this if you have a policy set to spin your admin account's password at some regular basis. Every now and again they won't line up.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Allen,

This was the exact issue and fixed it!

Thanks very much for your help.

Lisa, Hope this helps you :)



John Szaszvari
Network Manager | Monte Sant' Angelo Mercy College
02-9409-6281 | jszaszvari at | 128 Miller St, North Sydney

New Contributor

If the above suggestions don't work. Make sure date and time is the same on the server as it is on the client machines.

New Contributor

If the above suggestions don't work. Make sure date and time is the same on the server as it is on the client machines.