Smart Group based on PPPC settings

New Contributor

I am using the JamfAppleEvents script found here:
to allow scripts deployed via Jamf to make changes to the finder without requiring user approval.

I would like to be able to create smart groups (or at least an extension attribute that I can use to craft smart groups) that identifies machines that have already received this setting, before pushing any further scripts.

I am at a loss how to do this though, and have found pretty much nothing googling. (maybe my google-fu is weak on this?)

Anyone have any suggestions?


Valued Contributor

The only thing I can think of is to create a smart group to check if the configuration profile by name got applied to that Mac.

Legendary Contributor III

Yeah, Jamf natively captures installed configuration profiles, both by display name and their identifiers, so you can use that criteria in a Smart Group to see any machines that have the profile installed.
One thing to keep in mind though, by default a Mac will not submit new inventory to Jamf upon receiving a new profile. So you might have to wait until the next scheduled inventory collection happens before you'll start to see machines populate the Smart Group.

Esteemed Contributor II

If you'd like faster Smart Group updates when a Mac installs a Configuration Profile here's an FR that could use some Up Votes: