Trimming List Posts?

Not applicable

Hi y'all!

I get my Casper list in digest form, a few emails each day.
Just received this one: Casper Digest, Vol 36, Issue 19
Claimed to have 5 new posts, but there were entire digests inside this digest, 49 numbered messages, MANY forwards, and long signatures! (over 50 pages if I were to print it...)
It is almost impossible to find the new info, with all the extra junk that folks are leaving in their messages!
Please, please, I beg you, trim your posts to pertinent info only, and name them with the thread you are responding to!

I hate to miss out on all your great ideas, but I cannot even FIND the new posts in this one!
Thank You!
Sandy (Your Mom)


Release Candidate Programs Tester

I agree with Eric... I appreciate having the previous posts in the reply to an e-mail. I understand replying to a full digest can be excessive, but I personally have no problem with people replying to an e-mail thread on one topic. That’s something I guess I’ve always just lived with when in digest mode for other lists.

If we were to move to a forum, allow me to submit this as exhibit A:


Honored Contributor

I hate writing code in the mailing list, and dealing with attachments and spam filters. I like PHP based code blocks for shell coding. I think certain content would be far superior on a forum.

Who says you can't have both?

Jeff Strauss and I just started a google wave collaboration, I have 15 invites left let me know if any of you want to try that. I also posted it on the Apple edu list as well so maybe we can get some people on there?


Esteemed Contributor III

I'm on several lists where you have the option to do this. If it were me, I'd go with vBulletin (vs phpBB), for the support. It's not expensive at all.
Steve Wood <swood at> wrote:

With the regulars on this list who contribute so much, I'm sure going with a moderated message board will be a good move.

PS, I have my avatar ready. :)



Not applicable


Personally I like the Mac Managers approach. You ask the question, reply to the person asking the question and they then summarise it. Seems to work well. I wouldn't mind a forum as long as I got an email telling me what was going on. If something took my eye I could go to it.

Best wishes


Not applicable

Hi Again!
Thank you Dusty! (see "Professional Courtesy" )
and thanks to all of you who contribute such great ideas to make this list what it is.
I certainly meant no disrespect to anyone (nor looked, or even gave a thought to who was posting, since all lists need reminders occasionally...)

New Contributor

am i the only one that loves having the history in an email?? perfect example you really want me to go back and find that email to know what you're talking about(see "aint gonna do that")?? i'd rather scroll down. i dont mean to be an ass and sorry if i come off that way but if i need to save some one's wonderful solution to a problem that i might have, i want to save one email and view the entire conversation and how we arrived at said solution. i dont want to save 13 emails and have to open them 1 by 1, i dont want to search through the casper archives either. oh and another thing...happy holidays!

eric winkelhake
office 312 220 1669
cell 312 504 5155

Honored Contributor

If you guys are on google wave we can try it out. It is suppose to be collaboration communication web client for stuff like this. It is in beta form and invite only. I have about 15 to 20 invites....I can send you people some invites.

You all want to give it a whirl? I may actually use google wave more if you guys are down

Let me know



I've thought in the past that a better platform for this would be a forum or wiki on Jamf's site. I think there is enough traffic through the mailing list that it would make a little more sense. It would most likely be more searchable than e-mail or the web archives.

I'm not a fan of the mailing list, but I use it cuz that's what we've got.


Honored Contributor

I have 15 invites and google keeps pouring out more. Let me know what email address you want me to send the invite to and I can get you an invite. I will still of course post on the mailing list, but if this works out and when google takes off the beta tag perhaps it could be useful. As of now I use google wave to joke around with my friends because I don't have anyone to collaborate with on work related projects on there.


Contributor III

I think that's a matter of preference. I myself like Forums, but from a
management standpoint it is going to be up to JAMF. I'm sure they are
monitoring this and will take our opinions into consideration.


Honored Contributor

Myself, I prefer the mailing list. I let an exchange rule put them in a folder and when I have a minute or two, I'll peruse the folder. A forum seems like it's just another place to check for information. I'd rather it come to me as it's information I often find very useful.


Honored Contributor

I like forums too, heck I'd volunteer to be a moderator if it happened.

Not applicable

Another vote for a forum. It would be easier to search, read and

Not applicable

+1 on forum

Esteemed Contributor III

Cody Smedsrud <cody.smedsrud at> wrote:

Another vote for a forum. It would be easier to search, read and organize.

Yes, and easier to moderate. :)



Esteemed Contributor III

That said, one feature of some forums is a way to award credibility points to folks who contribute a lot.
On Dec 17, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Don Montalvo wrote:

Craig S., Steve W., William S., Thomas L., would all get mucho awards from me for all their help in the past. :)




death to mail lists

Contributor III

I have deleted all the rest of the comments for easier digestion...*BURP*

I will be less likely to help (not that my help is much) on a forum because
I have to ACTIVELY go to it. I prefer email lists because the message comes
to me in my email which I HAVE to check all the time. You can't please
everyone and I don't encourage trying to do both or splintering off some
other random method either. I suppose I could be set in a forum to receive
notifications for all posts just the same.

But hey, just my opinion. =)

Craig E

Honored Contributor

Guys and gals!

Forums have newsletters, email subscriptions and you have the option of subscribing to certain things. I get weekly and monthly (since I checked the box that says, weekly and monthly) emails from the Unix and the Linux forums I belong to. You can subscribe to certain threads and still get emails on them. The thing is you can control your own subscriptions. Yes you have to go there to set it up and yes you have to go there to subscribe, so I guess it is a bit more work.

The problem I foresee is that Jamf would have to administer and moderate it. Though, I already openly volunteer to be a moderator - just saying.


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

I have to agree with Craig and Jared. The thing I like about the list is
that it comes to me. I sift through enough information each day (RSS,
Twitter, web sites, mailing lists, email, etc) that having to remember to go
back to a forum daily for information, I may never get there.

I know several people have mentioned searching as an issue. Create a Google
email account specifically for your lists and use it. Our company moved to
Google Apps earlier this year, so all of my email is in it, and I have to
tell you that the power of search in Google Mail is incredible. My personal
domain is on Google Apps as well, and that's where all of my other lists
subscriptions go.

So, my vote is to stay with this format.

Steve Wood
Director of IT
swood at

The Integer Group | 1999 Bryan St. | Ste. 1700 | Dallas, TX 75201
T 214.758.6813 | F 214.758.6901 | C 940.312.2475

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

If we went the forum route, I would be willing to moderate as well.

And as long as I can get emails daily at a minimum, I think I'd be willing
to try moving over to a forum.

Steve Wood
Director of IT
swood at

The Integer Group | 1999 Bryan St. | Ste. 1700 | Dallas, TX 75201
T 214.758.6813 | F 214.758.6901 | C 940.312.2475

Not applicable

I have a very similar setup. Exchange puts these where I want them. I
can then go in whenever I have time and organize the posts for my
benefit. It's already waiting for me to check it out vs. having to go
out somewhere everyday to look over the new postings. I'd really be
afraid of missing excellent content if it were left up to me to go get
it. It's the out of sight out of mind problem.

- JD

Myself, I prefer the mailing list. I let an exchange rule put them in a
folder and when I have a minute or two, I'll peruse the folder. A forum
seems like it's just another place to check for information. I'd rather
it come to me as it's information I often find very useful.


Not applicable

Guys and gals!

Forums have newsletters, email subscriptions and you have the option of
subscribing to certain things. I get weekly and monthly (since I
checked the box that says, weekly and monthly) emails from the Unix and
the Linux forums I belong to. You can subscribe to certain threads and
still get emails on them. The thing is you can control your own
subscriptions. Yes you have to go there to set it up and yes you have
to go there to subscribe, so I guess it is a bit more work.

The problem I foresee is that Jamf would have to administer and moderate
it. Though, I already openly volunteer to be a moderator - just saying.


I can't explain why this happens to me, and I know I'm not the only one,
but those forum updates never get read through. I have a whole folder of
Fedora forum mailing list updates that I've never looked at. Further, I
quit going to the forum after I decided I couldn't keep up with the
info. Then I quit actively learning about Fedora. I know I won't quit
using Casper but you get what I'm saying right?

I like the collaboration idea but not as an either or choice.

- JD

Not applicable

so... don't you folks have any work to do? he he he
"Casper CouchWare"!!

OMHO, for those who want the whole conversation, then the digest version would seem be preferred...since threads are mostly intact in the Digest... however the folks NOT on digest understandably want the whole conversation in every response (so the final
solution has the entire "journey"), that makes the digest unmanageable

For those NOT on digest, they lose the continuity if too MUCH is trimmed....but they also get 30-100 messages some days...aaaahhhhhh
per Craig and Steve: I have signed up for a second account: sent to my Gmail, non-digested.
(since it was suggested that perhaps my digestion is the problem :)
Maybe that will be better for me.
Sorry for the Can-o-Worms
Sandy (and below, the entire conversation so far, trimmed )

------------------------------ Message: 2 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 11:27:14 -0600 From: "Sandy J. Hinding" <sjhinding at> Subject: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? Hi y'all! I get my Casper list in digest form, a few emails each day. Just received this one: Casper Digest, Vol 36, Issue 19 Claimed to have 5 new posts, but there were entire digests inside this digest, 49 numbered messages, MANY forwards, and long signatures! (over 50 pages if I were to print it...) It is almost impossible to find the new info, with all the extra junk that folks are leaving in their messages! Please, please, I beg you, trim your posts to pertinent info only, and name them with the thread you are responding to! I hate to miss out on all your great ideas, but I cannot even FIND the new posts in this one! Thank You! Sandy (Your Mom


------------------------------ Message: 4 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 11:36:41 -0600 From: Don Montalvo <donmontalvo at> Subject: [Casper] [ANNOUNCEMENT] JAMF Casper Mailing List "Bozo Of The Week" award To: casper at Hi all, <rant> In my younger days, we used to love to go skiing. Every so often someone would bust his or her @$$ and land upside down, or wrap around a tree. It was funny to watch, since it didn't effect the rest of us. In honor of those fun times, I propose we aware "JAMF Casper Mailing List - Bozo Of The Week" awards to folks who do silly things that water down the effectiveness/usefulness of the JAMF Casrper Mailing List. To win this prestegious award, something really bazarre has to happen. Since JAMF Casper Mailing List members are professional IT people who mere mortals rely on to guide them so they use technology in the smartest, most effective and efficient way possible, I propose we award those who (perhaps inadvertently?) post rediculously long emails to this list, thus screwing things up for the rest of us. Some of us rely on this list.... This week's JAMF Casper Mailing List "Bozo Of The Week" award goes to....<drumroll>...... *** *Honerable mention**


A bit of info on Internet Etiquette: "Be brief without being overly terse. When replying to a message, include enough original material to be understood but no more. It is extremely bad form to simply reply to a message by including all the previous message: edit out all the irrelevant material." </end of rant> Don Montalvo, TX ------------------------------ Message: 5 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 11:52:07 -0600 From: "Dorey, Dustin" <Dustin.Dorey at> Subject: [Casper] Professional Courtesy Hello everyone, Wow is it tense in here or is it just me? I just wanted to remind everyone that this is a public list serve, things posted here are easily googled. Also comments may read like they were being made by JAMF when in fact they are the opinion of someone on the list. Please be aware of this when you are posting stuff to the list. Your actions (text) may be misconstrued as that of JAMF's. Also the pointing of fingers or name calling of people who may be new to the list or may be valued members who have contributed much to the list will not look well for anyone involved on said list. And may drive people to not want to contribute. As far as long replies, I know that I have myself replied to posts without redacting previous text because I was in a hurry or multi tasking. But will make an honest effort to not do so in the future. Maybe a simple, "Hey folks, please remember to trim your replies." Would be sufficient. Have a good day everyone. -Dusty- Dustin Dorey Technology Support Cluster Specialist Independent School District 196 Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools dustin.dorey at 651|423|7971 ------------------------------ Message: 6 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 12:33:56 -0600 From: "Sandy J. Hinding" <sjhinding at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? To: casper at Hi Again! Thank you Dusty! (see "Professional Courtesy" ) and thanks to all of you who contribute such great ideas to make this list what it is. I certainly meant no disrespect to anyone (nor looked, or even gave a thought to who was posting, since all lists need reminders occasionally...) Peace! Sandy ------------------------------ Message: 7 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 12:53:20 -0600 From: Eric Winkelhake <eric.winkelhake at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? am i the only one that loves having the history in an email?? perfect example you really want me to go back and find that email to know what you're talking about(see "aint gonna do that")?? i'd rather scroll down. i dont mean to be an ass and sorry if i come off that way but if i need to save some one's wonderful solution to a problem that i might have, i want to save one email and view the entire conversation and how we arrived at said solution. i dont want to save 13 emails and have to open them 1 by 1, i dont want to search through the casper archives either. oh and another thing...happy holidays! eric winkelhake mundocomww office 312 220 1669 cell 312 504 5155
Message: 8 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 12:57:29 -0600 From: "Thomas Larkin" <tlarki at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? If you guys are on google wave we can try it out. It is suppose to be collaboration communication web client for stuff like this. It is in beta form and invite only. I have about 15 to 20 invites....I can send you people some invites. You all want to give it a whirl? I may actually use google wave more if you guys are down Let me know Tom Message: 9 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:03:30 -0600 From: "Edgar, Ken" <ken.edgar at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? I've thought in the past that a better platform for this would be a forum or wiki on Jamf's site. I think there is enough traffic through the mailing list that it would make a little more sense. It would most likely be more searchable than e-mail or the web archives. I'm not a fan of the mailing list, but I use it cuz that's what we've got. Cheers, Ken Message: 10 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:06:36 -0600 From: "Thomas Larkin" <tlarki at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? I have 15 invites and google keeps pouring out more. Let me know what email address you want me to send the invite to and I can get you an invite. I will still of course post on the mailing list, but if this works out and when google takes off the beta tag perhaps it could be useful. As of now I use google wave to joke around with my friends because I don't have anyone to collaborate with on work related projects on there. -Tom ------------------------------ Message: 11 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:07:45 -0600 From: "Dorey, Dustin" <Dustin.Dorey at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? I think that's a matter of preference. I myself like Forums, but from a management standpoint it is going to be up to JAMF. I'm sure they are monitoring this and will take our opinions into consideration. -Dusty- ------------------------------ Message: 12 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:13:45 -0600 From: "Thomas Larkin" <tlarki at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? I like forums too, heck I'd volunteer to be a moderator if it happened. ------------------------------ Message: 13 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 14:16:33 -0500 From: "Cody Smedsrud" <cody.smedsrud at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? Another vote for a forum. It would be easier to search, read and organize. Message: 14 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 14:17:50 -0500 From: Nick Caro <Nick.Caro at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? Another vote for a forum. It would be easier to search, read and organize. ------------------------------ Message: 15 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:18:28 -0600 From: Don Montalvo <donmontalvo at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? Yes, and easier to moderate. :) Don ------------------------------ Message: 16 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:23:44 -0600 From: Don Montalvo <donmontalvo at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? That said, one feature of some forums is a way to award credibility points to folks who contribute a lot. Craig S., Steve W., William S., Thomas L., would all get mucho awards from me for all their help in the past. :) Don ------------------------------ Message: 17 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 14:24:43 -0500 From: Eric Young <eyoung at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts?
death to mail lists ------------------------------ Message: 18 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 14:12:40 -0500 From: "Nichols, Jared - 1160 - MITLL" <jared.nichols at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? Myself, I prefer the mailing list. I let an exchange rule put them in a folder and when I have a minute or two, I'll peruse the folder. A forum seems like it's just another place to check for information. I'd rather it come to me as it's information I often find very useful. j --- Jared F. Nichols Desktop Engineer, Infrastructure and Operations Information Services Department MIT Lincoln Laboratory 244 Wood Street Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 781.981.5436 ------------------------------ Message: 19 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:27:26 -0600 From: "Ernst, Craig S." <ERNSTCS at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? I have deleted all the rest of the comments for easier digestion...*BURP* I will be less likely to help (not that my help is much) on a forum because I have to ACTIVELY go to it. I prefer email lists because the message comes to me in my email which I HAVE to check all the time. You can't please everyone and I don't encourage trying to do both or splintering off some other random method either. I suppose I could be set in a forum to receive notifications for all posts just the same. But hey, just my opinion. =) Craig E ------------------------------ Message: 20 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:36:12 -0600 From: Steve Wood <swood at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? I have to agree with Craig and Jared. The thing I like about the list is that it comes to me. I sift through enough information each day (RSS, Twitter, web sites, mailing lists, email, etc) that having to remember to go back to a forum daily for information, I may never get there. I know several people have mentioned searching as an issue. Create a Google email account specifically for your lists and use it. Our company moved to Google Apps earlier this year, so all of my email is in it, and I have to tell you that the power of search in Google Mail is incredible. My personal domain is on Google Apps as well, and that's where all of my other lists subscriptions go. So, my vote is to stay with this format. Steve Wood Director of IT swood at The Integer Group | 1999 Bryan St. | Ste. 1700 | Dallas, TX 75201 T 214.758.6813 | F 214.758.6901 | C 940.312.2475 ------------------------------ Message: 21 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:35:49 -0600 From: "Thomas Larkin" <tlarki at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? Guys and gals! Forums have newsletters, email subscriptions and you have the option of subscribing to certain things. I get weekly and monthly (since I checked the box that says, weekly and monthly) emails from the Unix and the Linux forums I belong to. You can subscribe to certain threads and still get emails on them. The thing is you can control your own subscriptions. Yes you have to go there to set it up and yes you have to go there to subscribe, so I guess it is a bit more work. The problem I foresee is that Jamf would have to administer and moderate it. Though, I already openly volunteer to be a moderator - just saying. -T ------------------------------ Message: 22 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:44:19 -0600 From: Steve Wood <swood at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? If we went the forum route, I would be willing to moderate as well. And as long as I can get emails daily at a minimum, I think I'd be willing to try moving over to a forum. Steve Wood Director of IT swood at The Integer Group | 1999 Bryan St. | Ste. 1700 | Dallas, TX 75201 T 214.758.6813 | F 214.758.6901 | C 940.312.2475 ------------------------------ Message: 23 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:54:26 -0600 From: James Palmer <jamespalmer at> Subject: Re: [Casper] Trimming List Posts? Myself, I prefer the mailing list. I let an exchange rule put them in a folder and when I have a minute or two, I'll peruse the folder. A forum seems like it's just another place to check for information. I'd rather it come to me as it's information I often find very useful. j Don Montalvo <donmontalvo at> I'm on several lists where you have the option to do this. If it were me, I'd go with vBulletin (vs phpBB), for the support. It's not expensive at all. With the regulars on this list who contribute so much, I'm sure going with a moderated message board will be a good move. PS, I have my avatar ready. :) Don Michael Curtis <bazmail at> Hi, Personally I like the Mac Managers approach. You ask the question, reply to the person asking the question and they then summarise it. Seems to work well. I wouldn't mind a forum as long as I got an email telling me what was going on. If something took my eye I could go to it. Best wishes Michael

Not applicable

I am getting sucked into Google Wave now. Work, what work? :-)

Best wishes


Esteemed Contributor III

Hi Ed,

I can see including an entire thread in an email if necessary. It's when folks reply to the entire digest that the effectiveness of this list gets watered down, since many of us are subscribed to the Digest version.

Is it just me, or does this listserv have an issue with line wraps? It seems to insert carriage returns...the higher the reply level, the more lines get inserted. Maybe it's the email client?

