Posted on
11:46 AM
- last edited
It has been quite a while since the last official user group meeting in the UK. As Chip announced that there will be no local events organised by JAMF in 2013, I thought we should organise a get together in the UK ourselves.
I assume it won't be an issue to get organise a venue as I am confident one of the UK JAMF distributors would happily host such an event or we can always host such a user group meeting in Oxford.
To kick off the discussion, I would be interested in what people's expectations are for such a user group meeting. Shall we aim at a more regular evening/half day event with just one or two short talks a lot of time for networking or should be do a full day conference with lunch and evening reception for networking?
Can everyone interested in participating or even contributing please get in touch either using this thread or by personal email? Thanks a lot!
Posted on 01-23-2013 09:32 AM
I'd be interested, if it was in London. Oxford is a bit of a hike for me currently.
Posted on 01-23-2013 12:38 PM
Me too.
London preferred, but could travel. :)
Posted on 01-23-2013 02:44 PM
Me too London preferred
Posted on 01-24-2013 04:17 AM
Hi Marko, we're in. Let me know if you get any offers for a location.
If not, Amsys could help to organise a venue.
Posted on 01-31-2013 03:09 PM
Hi Marko, although we gained our independence from the UK a few years back :-) I'd be happy to fly in and represent the Irish!
Posted on 02-01-2013 06:56 AM
Hi Marko
I'd be interested, London venue will be more suitable.
Posted on 02-01-2013 07:07 AM
Hi Marko
I would certainly be very interested. London would be good but would travel.
Posted on 02-01-2013 02:00 PM
Good idea!
Posted on 02-01-2013 03:19 PM
@Cem & Tim, I could give you guys a lift to Oxford.
Posted on 02-01-2013 04:05 PM
I would possibly interested. I will be in Madrid and Basel a few times this year. If I can align time frames I think it could be great to catch up with all of you.
Posted on 02-02-2013 08:26 AM
@bentoms sure neighbor ;) if Oxford then lets plan it.
@localhorst I think London could be a better location for the rest of the attendees and we may have a better chance to get help and support from suppliers. I will have a word with our supplier and let you know...
Posted on 02-04-2013 10:10 AM
Any news on this? Worst comes to the worst, I know a Wetherspoons pub that's reasonably central London that we could invade one Saturday.
Posted on 02-05-2013 07:19 AM
I would like to attend if this gets setup. A days conference would be good with speakers talking about their current Casper setup, maybe some topics covered by JAMF and partners around new features and advanced topics?
If you are struggling for venue, we have a big technology campus with auditorium in the North West (Cheshire) if I can coax the London guys to leave the M25 circle :-)
Posted on 03-25-2013 07:23 AM
Hi Marko
MPC have now been using casper for 12 months and have seen the benefits already.
I'd be happy for MPC to host a half day user group meeting in our screening room on Wardour street.
It is busy with paid bookings most weekday evenings and weekends, but I could arrange a free weekday booking with sessions either side of lunch if that could work - perhaps a sponsor could be found to provide refreshments.
I'd like to see the user forum provide a couple of presentations on real world Casper suite deployments with Q&A sessions and provide an opportunity for Caspers Suite Admins to network and mull over feature requests.
Timing a User Forum to co-incide with the Casper suite V9 release would also seem to make sense.
Happy to talk about this through if having a venue helps.
Posted on 03-25-2013 09:55 AM
Now that's a pretty generous offer from David above! Having been to the MPC in the past for various non-IT related events (ok, film screenings), I'd highly recommend the place. It's very easy to get to and certainly within walking distance of two tube stations.
Posted on 03-26-2013 04:15 AM
Hi chaps, our supplier may provide sponsorship for the refreshments and attend for this event. Any ideas about cost involved?
Posted on 04-06-2013 11:27 PM
@Spilsbury venue looks great! Our supplier can sponsor to provide refreshments. Any ideas about cost involved?
Posted on 04-10-2013 06:11 AM
anywhere in the north west would be good for me as London's quiet a trek, plus be good to catch up with you all
Posted on 08-15-2013 12:59 AM
Hi guys, has there been any further update on this being setup?
Posted on 09-05-2013 10:51 AM
I've had a quick discussion with Marko earlier today. If David at MPC is still amenable, i'd love this still to happen. Marko suggested that we could have quick talks on various different things. I'm happy to discuss out "out of hours" update system and/or my universal windows bootcamp deployment.
Posted on 11-14-2014 02:18 AM
Did anything get set up? Fairly new to Casper; I'd prefer a Midlands location and I'm sure I could get something organised at my University, however if there was a full day event in London I'd be up for that - not sure I'd be able to justify anything shorter/more regular unfortunately.
Posted on 11-14-2014 02:22 AM
Very interested in this happening. Midlands or north west would work for me, travel to London may be possible if i can swing it..
Posted on 11-14-2014 02:25 AM
Well @bentoms did something. Have a look at:
Posted on 11-14-2014 03:31 AM
Hi All,
There is going to be 3 London Apple Admin meets a year: March, June & September.
The idea is that at some point there will be a UK conference :)
Infrequently I work out of our other UK offices, the next will be Nottingham sometime before the end of the year. So, arrange something & I could be there + I'll mention it on the LondonAppleAdmins site.
Posted on 09-19-2016 06:17 AM
We're trying to replicate the success of the London Apple Admins in the East Midlands region: