unlock 3rd party preference pane with managed profile

Contributor II

i am using managed profile to disable access to multiple preference pane... but also it disables 3rd party like flash and pentablet from wacom...

flash i don't care but wacom i would like to enable it... but not present in the listing in casper...

i followed the procedure https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/article.html?id=204

still not working... any ideas ?


Valued Contributor II

For the time being you have to manage it like a white list and put in everything you care to have them see as ok.

Legendary Contributor III

Yeah but with Configuration Profiles it doesn't work like with MCX. it was actually an easier process with MCX because you simply added an item into the array like


and saved it. Done.

@jmercier, after following the instructions in the KB, did you remember to restart Tomcat?

Contributor II

yeah i did restart tomcat...

i tried in the enable section... or in white list section as per procedure... and none working...

and i assume i can't use mcx in 10.8 environement... ?!!!

Contributor II

According to https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/featureRequest.html?id=362, this was implemented in 9.1 but I still don't see how to do it.

Legendary Contributor III

Not true. We don't use Config profiles at all here and have over 3600 Macs running 10.8 with no issues, or very few to speak of. That's not to say that every single MCX you set up will work. I can't guarantee that, and I'm sure some folks will chime in with some of the ones that no longer work, but the majority still do.

Apple has been "pushing" this notion that MCX is dead to everyone who cares to listen. Maybe to them it is, but the thing is, under the hood, Configuration Profiles work very similarly to MCX, so its not all that different.

Now 10.9 may be a different animal...

EDIT: Just to make this more useful, the MCX for "Enabled System Preferences" works just fine on 10.8, and we're actively updating our user base to 10.8.5 Still works.

Valued Contributor III

When I tested that profile setting locally without Casper, I saw the same issue so I assumed that it was an OS issue?