Posted on 01-11-2019 01:30 PM
We set up policy using the user interaction tool allowing the user to defer the policy. Is there a way we can brand the notification with our icon?
Is it possible to include weblinks in the notification as well?
I poked around Jamf and Jamf Nation and wasn't able to figure this out. Thanks,
Posted on 01-13-2019 06:28 AM
nope, but feel free to upvote this and raise with your jamf buddy. I have because it's a poor implementation of branding that only one bit gets done.
Posted on 07-29-2019 02:04 PM
I have upvoted the link but wanted to say that I would like the ability to use the icon associated with the policy for this pop-up. Thanks!
Posted on 07-29-2019 03:53 PM
its not Jamf native yet but you should check out - Jamf-Interaction-Toolkit
it will automatically use your self service branding, you can also change it to something else manually
Posted on 05-05-2021 06:55 AM
Upvoted! Adding a logo to the user interaction section of a Policies is essential! Let's get the ball rolling with this Jamf!
Posted on 05-12-2021 10:02 AM
This is a close approximation. --Andrew
# set -x
# This script was written to run from the JSS to provide a universal
# front end for application updates.
# Author: Andrew Thomson
# Date: 2019-06-19, updated 2021-03-03, 2021-05
# GhitHub:
# PARAMETER 4: Name of application to be updated.
# PARAMETER 5: An array of process names to kill before update.
# PARAMETER 6: The custom trigger name that corresponds to the update policy.
# PARAMETER 7: The path to the icon associated with the application.
function getSecondsUntilTime() {
local TIME="$1"
if [[ ! $TIME =~ ^[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]$ ]]; then
echo "ERROR: The time submitted to calculate is missing or improperly formatted." >&2
return $LINENO
local TARGET_EPOCH=$(/bin/date -jf "%D %H:%M" "$(/bin/date +%D) $TIME" +%s)
local CURRENT_EPOCH=$(/bin/date +%s)
echo "$SECONDS"
function jamfHelper () {
COMMAND=""/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/""
for ((INDEX=1;INDEX<=$COUNT;INDEX++)); do
case "$INDEX" in
1) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -windowType $1" ;fi ;;
2) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -windowPosition $1" ;fi ;;
3) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -title "$1"" ;fi ;;
4) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -heading "$1"" ;fi ;;
5) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -description "$1"" ;fi ;;
6) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -icon "$1"" ;fi ;;
7) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -button1 $1" ;fi ;;
8) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -button2 $1" ;fi ;;
9) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -defaultButton $1" ;fi ;;
10) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -cancelButton $1" ;fi ;;
11) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -showDelayOptions "$1"" ;fi ;;
12) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -alignDescription $1" ;fi ;;
13) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -alignHeading $1" ;fi ;;
14) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -alignCountdown $1" ;fi ;;
15) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -timeout $1" ;fi ;;
16) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -countdown" ;fi ;;
17) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -iconSize $1" ;fi ;;
18) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -lockHUD" ;fi ;;
19) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -startlaunchd" ;fi ;;
19) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -kill" ;fi ;;
20) if [[ ${#1} -ne 0 ]]; then COMMAND="$COMMAND -fullScreenIcon" ;fi
(/bin/bash -c "${COMMAND}") & HELPER_PID=$!
function isRoot () {
# verify script run as root
if [[ $UID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Script must run with root privileges." >&2
echo -e "\tUSAGE: sudo "$0"" >&2
return $LINENO
return 0
function main () {
TITLE="Application Update"
HEADING="Application Update: $NAME"
# for testing
# NAME="Firefox"
# HEADING="Application Update: $NAME"
# PROCESS="Firefox"
# TRIGGER="trg_firefox"
# ICON="/Applications/"
# verify root
if ! isRoot; then
exit $LINENO
# verify passed variables
echo -e "NAME: $NAME
if [ -z "$NAME" ] || [ -z "$PROCESS" ] || [ -z "$TRIGGER" ] || [ -z "$ICON" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Missing parameter(s)." >&2
exit $LINENO
# if no user logged in then apply update
if ! /usr/bin/pgrep -i "loginwindow" &> /dev/null; then
echo "Running Update $NAME --> $(/bin/date +"%x %r")"
/usr/local/bin/jamf policy -event $TRIGGER
/usr/bin/defaults delete $DEFER_DOM "$NAME" &> /dev/null
exit 0
# if process not running then apply update
if ! /usr/bin/pgrep -i "$PROCESS" &> /dev/null; then
echo "Running Update $NAME --> $(/bin/date +"%x %r")"
/usr/local/bin/jamf policy -event $TRIGGER
/usr/bin/defaults delete $DEFER_DOM "$NAME" &> /dev/null
exit 0
# verify jamfHelper binary
if [ ! -x "/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Required binary not found [jamfHelper]." >&2
exit $LINENO
# verify icon
if [ ! -f "$ICON" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Specified icon not found [$ICON]. Using default." >&2
# read deferral time
DEFERRAL_TIME=$(/usr/bin/defaults read $DEFER_DOM $NAME 2> /dev/null)
# get current time in epoch format
CURRENT_TIME=$(/bin/date +%s)
# build delay options as a string
DELAY_OPTION_MAX=$(getSecondsUntilTime "$MAX_TIME")
if [ "3600" -lt "$DELAY_OPTION_MAX" ]; then DELAY_OPTIONS+=", 3600" ; fi
if [ "7200" -lt "$DELAY_OPTION_MAX" ]; then DELAY_OPTIONS+=", 7200" ; fi
if [ "10800" -lt "$DELAY_OPTION_MAX" ]; then DELAY_OPTIONS+=", 10800" ; fi
if [ "14400" -lt "$DELAY_OPTION_MAX" ]; then DELAY_OPTIONS+=", 14400" ; fi
# if deferral time is set but not surpassed, exit until next policy time
if [ -n "$DEFERRAL_TIME" ] && [ "$CURRENT_TIME" -lt "$DEFERRAL_TIME" ]; then
echo "Pending Update: $NAME --> $(/bin/date -jf %s "$DEFERRAL_TIME" +"%x %r")"
exit 0
# prompt for update or deferal time
if [ -n "$DEFERRAL_TIME" ] && [ "$CURRENT_TIME" -ge "$DEFERRAL_TIME" ]; then
RC=$(jamfHelper "utility" "$WINDOW_POSITION" "$TITLE" "$HEADING" "An update is required for $NAME. Be sure to save your data for $NAME, then click the OK button below.
If you require assistance, please contact the Help Desk at 800-000-0000." "$ICON" "OK" "$BUTTON_2" "1" "$CANCEL_BUTTON" "$SHOW_DELAY_OPTIONS" "$ALIGN_DESCRIPTION" "$ALIGN_HEADING" "center" "900" "true" "$ICON_SIZE")
RC=$(jamfHelper "utility" "$WINDOW_POSITION" "$TITLE" "$HEADING" "An update is required for $NAME. The default option is 'Start now', but you can defer the update by selecting an alternate time from the list below. The last option will always calculate to 7pm local time. Be sure to save your data for $NAME, then click the OK button below.
If you prefer to avoid further prompting, you can apply the update directly from Self Service before the deferral time expires.
If you require assistance, please contact the Help Desk at 800-000-0000." "$ICON" "OK" "$BUTTON_2" "1" "$CANCEL_BUTTON" "$DELAY_OPTIONS" "$ALIGN_DESCRIPTION" "$ALIGN_HEADING" "center" "900" "true" "$ICON_SIZE")
# launch update or write selected deferral time to plist
case $RC in
0) true ;;
1) true ;;
36001) /usr/bin/defaults write $DEFER_DOM $NAME "$(/bin/date -v+1H -jf %s "$CURRENT_TIME" "+%s")"; exit 0 ;; # 1 Hour
72001) /usr/bin/defaults write $DEFER_DOM $NAME "$(/bin/date -v+2H -jf %s "$CURRENT_TIME" "+%s")"; exit 0 ;; # 2 Hours
108001) /usr/bin/defaults write $DEFER_DOM $NAME "$(/bin/date -v+3H -jf %s "$CURRENT_TIME" "+%s")"; exit 0 ;; # 3 Hours
144001) /usr/bin/defaults write $DEFER_DOM $NAME "$(/bin/date -v+4H -jf %s "$CURRENT_TIME" "+%s")"; exit 0 ;; # 4 Hours
*) /usr/bin/defaults write $DEFER_DOM $NAME "$(/bin/date -jf "%D %T" "$(/bin/date +%D) $MAX_TIME:00" +%s)"; exit 0 ;; # Always 7:00pm
# kill process
/usr/bin/pkill -if "$PROCESS"
# apply update
echo "Running Update $NAME --> $(/bin/date +"%x %r")"
/usr/local/bin/jamf policy -event $TRIGGER &
# launch update dialog to notify update in progress
jamfHelper "utility" "$WINDOW_POSITION" "$TITLE" "" "Please wait while $NAME updates are applied, followed by a required system inventory." "$ICON" "$BUTTON_1" "$BUTTON_2" "$DEFAULT_BUTTON" "$CANCEL_BUTTON" "$SHOW_DELAY_OPTIONS" "$ALIGN_DESCRIPTION" "$ALIGN_HEADING" "$ALIGN_COUNTDOWN" "$TIMEOUT" "$COUNTDOWN" "$ICON_SIZE" "LOCKHUD" "$START_LAUNCHD" "$KILL" "$FULL_SCREEN_ICON" &
# monitor software update pid
while /bin/kill -0 $UPDATE_PID &> /dev/null; do
/bin/sleep 3
# kill update dialog once software update pid disappears
/usr/bin/pkill jamfHelper
# reset deferral count
if [ -n "$DEFERRAL_TIME" ];then
/usr/bin/defaults delete $DEFER_DOM "$NAME" &> /dev/null
exit 0
if [[ "$BASH_SOURCE" == "$0" ]]; then
shift 3
main $@
Posted on 06-15-2021 11:38 AM
I set up the script. It works if the app process is not there, or is there and I don't choose a delay. Am I missing something here?