configure a file extension (.odt/.pdf) with a specific application

New Contributor


I want to configure a lot of file extension so that's open with a specific application.

By exemple, i want to all pdf file open with Apercu.

I heard about the duti app, but it seems to be really old. Anyone know how to configure this easily ?

Thanks you for help :)


Valued Contributor II

by default all pdfs open in Preview / Apercu ?

Yes, this is not the best example..
But for .odt, LibreOffice is not the default choice.

Same thing with .ods, .xls...

Esteemed Contributor

The side below has a decent write up, but its a decade old and we know how macOS changes without much warning. So, there is not telling if Launch Services can still do this from CLI.


Considering nothing I am seeing on this is newer then 2012, I am going to wager Apple stopped allowing default programs to be changed from CLI.


applescript - Change the default application (for a file extension) via script/command line? - Ask D...

Contributor III

SwiftDefaultApps (swda) still works well (or well enough) in Ventura.