Shared iPad storage problem

New Contributor

We have configured shared iPad with temporary guest mode, but guest can't login due to storage problems. What is the best configuration in the DEP profile für this (max. number of users, standard or storage quota)?


New Contributor III

It depends on quantity of users and how many storage could be used to each one.
We force to max 9 users on iPads with 64Gb, but if your shared users can install a lot of apps or make a lot of local files like videos will be empty your storage quickly.

New Contributor III


We have the same problem here on several new or old ipad (all iOS 15.3.1 or 15.4 with 32GB):
No Storage Error while trying to login as guest.
No matter if we deploy a DEP Profil with a max. number of 4 users or standard or storage quot.
The problem still remains. The storage information shows incorrect free space.
On several iPads we can login as guest, on others login works fine but there seems not be enough space to install any apps. 

What else can we try?



We have the same problem, it's a little bit $%&/% because you can't solve the problem with quota o number of profiles, the system waste all the space with profiles and not prevent a % of space to update, other profiles, etc, etc