Posted on 08-07-2021 07:53 AM
How can I make a smart group of all students? We are importing from Apple School Manager so it imports the "User Role" field of Student/Teacher/Staff. Yes this is not an option when creating a rule in the scope.
If you are in the "Users" section of JAMF school you can filter on "Apple School Manager User Role" so why not create a smart group this way???
So how are others doing this? I am doing it currently by setting a rule where if the user is in "Grades" and then choosing all of the grades. This is working for now as Teachers/Staff are not assigned a grade.
This would seem like an obvious way to apply policies and apps since this is a "school" product so I am surprised this is missing. We use a filter which only students should have so this is important that all students have the app and policy.
Posted on 08-09-2021 07:55 AM
You can filter by and create static groups in Jamf School, but typically groups come from an LDAP or ASM. To create smart groups based on your criteria you need to create those under Device Groups. That's how I do it and you can use student, staff, grade, location, etc.
Posted on 08-09-2021 08:13 AM
I import all my users with ASM.
Where is the option to make a smart device group using the criteria of student, staff as you describe??
There is grade. There is not teacher nor student.
Posted on 08-09-2021 08:18 AM
"User is member of class as Student" or "User is member of class as Teacher" rules only works if you then choose every class which there can be 100s of them. If you miss one then no good.
What I am saying is, just like when filtering Users, choosing "User Role" as a rule.
Posted on 08-09-2021 12:44 PM
Shucks. That was the filter I was referring to. I suggest you do a feature request as you're right if you can filter by it then a smart group should be possible as well.
Posted on 08-09-2021 09:32 PM
Thanks Steve. Already submitted.
Curious how other are handling this....