User Activity
Good Afternoon All, We are using the Google Chrome Master Preferences
file for deployment but has anyone had any luck disabling QUIC via this
method or mdm profile? chrome://flags/ Experimental QUIC protocol
We are deploying Microsoft Teams to our estate but having feed back that
its "Microsoft Teams Helper" task is running at very high CPU
utilisation 100% for example. We have whitelisted this in our Cylance
Anti-Virus but has made no difference. Has an...
Hello all, Can I check if anyone else is getting "The networksetup
binary is not present on this machine." using the DNS Server Extension
Attribute ?? anyone found a fix? ThanksCraig W
Once the supplemental 10.13.2 upgrade is installed, I could no longer
add AD users to File Vault. The issue seems to be Secure token is not
enabled for AD users the following fixes the issue Sysadminctl
interactive -secureTokenOn -password Check
Since deploying 10.13 to test users we have had a static group for them.
That static group is set as an exclusion as we have a Restricted
Software Record for 10.13 in place. The issue seems though the machines
are in said exclusion they can not start...