Encourage students to remind the teacher to remove restrictions at the
end of class. Removing the restrictions before the set Time, is a
command that needs to be received by the students devices. So to make
sure this command reaches every iPad, it's ...
Sorry, you are right. It is possible to make changes to everything -
except disabling random MACs. This has changed and wasn't possible
before. Not sure if I ever tried it since iOS 18. On 17 making these
changes definitely wasn't possible and they s...
you can "disallow changing bluetooth status" via profile - in a second
step it can be turned on with the teacher app. I never heard of another
way to force bluetooth to be on. its possible with wifi though
I meant the profile is always on the device, not that the wifi can't be
turned off. A profile that includes the Wifi Payload is installed on the
device and gets never removed. The settings like auto-join network,
disabled random mac-addresses and so ...