3 weeks ago
New Contributor III

Joined: September 2018

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  • 27 Posts
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We have a few printers that we have pushed out directly to MacBooks and those all seemed to install fine, but I just went through and added the majority of our printers to Self Service (rather than figuring out who needs what). The printers show up i...
I am trying to disable access to "Connect to server" and "Go to folder" within the Finder section of configuration profiles, but even when un-checking those options (to disable access), the options are still available. On M1 Macbook/Big Sur. Some of ...
I found this script for collection whether Location Services is enabled, but it's for OSX. I'm super new to Macs as well as scripting, so I'm wondering what would need to be updated to get it working for Big Sur. Location Servicesstring#!/bin/bash u...
Currently the App Store can not be opened on any of our managed Macbooks. I feel like I might have restricted it at some point, but now when I try to undo it I can't find anything to indicate that it's still being blocked. I've even created new confi...
We just went through JumpStart for MacOS and I'm struggling to get our Chrome package to install properly. Maybe an issue with the package itself? We have a smart group to look for computers without Chrome installed. I did figure out that I had to in...