
Joined: May 2016

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  • 47 Posts
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I'm trying to get the most current version of Big Sur so I can add it to an installer script. Basically just checking if the user has the most current version of the installer before it runs. I have this so far but I am a noob at awk and grep command...
I have been working on this script for a while now and I am to the last issue and can't get past it. The CSV i'm using has returns (seems like) at the end of each line. When the element is echoed out to a new file, it is including that in the value, ...
I know this is probably not best practice but it has been working for us in Sierra. We sometimes will have issues with configuration profiles not updating for whatever reason and previously we were able to remove or rename the ConfigurationProfile fo...
I am working on a script that will prep the Application folder for another user. This will remove all the user installed apps. I have been working on this for a bit and am having trouble finding my mistake. Im sure there are there are other ways to d...
Being a school district, we do not allow our lower grades to have access to the app store except for updates. I found recently that I had some middle schoolers bypassing the restriction. This is how they did it: In Sierra, there is an ad basically to...