User Activity
Hello Jamf Nation, I have a request to upgrade VirtualBox to the latest.
It was working fine in High Sierra but once our cloud engineers upgraded
to Mojave the application no longer works. Me and 2 other Mac
technicians have tried to install and run ...
Hi Guys, Just wondering if you are packaging and deploying un-notarized
apps still in your environment. I'm not sure whether we should still be
allowing and packaging these apps since this will make upgrading to
catalina much more difficult...since t...
Application: GitHub Desktop Issue: Does not auto-update and pops an
message asking to install a helper (Admin rights required to install).
This is in Self-Service for all of my IS Macs however the
developers/users do NOT have admin rights. Also, this...
Application: GitHub Desktop Issue: Does not auto-update and pops an
message asking to install a helper (Admin rights required to install).
This is in Self-Service for all of my IS Macs however the
developers/users do NOT have admin rights. Also, this...