We're seeing an issue across our managed iPhone/iPads after installing
iOS/iPadOS 14.6 with the "Software Update Complete" message and Wi-Fi
chooser are appearing every time the devices are restarted. The issue is
(seemingly) only hitting our Jamf ma...
Anyone else seeing the Apple model identifiers instead of model names in
their JSS? We're currently seeing these quirks: MacBookPro16,1 instead
of MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) iPad8,12 instead of iPad Pro 12.9 inch
4th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)
I know it's not a priority compared to other areas of Jamf but the Patch
Management Definitions for OneDrive aren't aligned with the OneDrive
release cycle (Insider, Production, Enterprise) which Microsoft are
working to: Patch management is currentl...
Not sure if anyone else has seen this issue since the 10.10.1 upgrade
but we've now got four saved searches where the column headings are out
of sync with the data. The cause seems to be including "Operating
System" in the display options - when you ...
Anyone seeing any glitchy behaviour from the Classic API today? I've got
a dashboard that uses the API to pull data from Smart Groups and only
7-8 of the 15 metrics are updating - the added twist is that each time
the script runs to retrieve the data...
We've also been seeing this behaviour for the last couple of weeks - I
was wondering if it was something related to our infrastructure but
clearly it's a wider issue
Hi @Tomsmithdrpg - I hadn't seen this with 14.5.1 but definitely a
"thing" for us with 14.6 on both iPhones and iPads. I opened a case with
Jamf late yesterday afternoon so not had any responses yet - through the
Mac Admins Slack I've also found some...
@Dipsol - that'll be a custom Login Window configuration...if you run
the following it should return the message: defaults read
/Library/Managed Preferences/com.apple.loginWindow LoginwindowText To
remove, run defaults delete /Library/Managed
Good work guys, loving the new version. One thing that's missing from
the computer template and would make this even better is Purchase Price
- I can bulk load everything else about the purchase, but unless I'm
missing something I still have to go ed...
OK, the .pkg is available here The static public facing link updates
once the release is fully rolled out so for early access Jonathan says
we should just be able to substitute the version number in the URL to
access the relevant version. Jonathan is...