New Contributor III

Joined: November 2014

User Statistics

  • 29 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 4 Kudos given
  • 28 Kudos received

User Activity

I'm looking for an extension attribute that I could add that would report whether the currently logged in user has the old or the new Outlook UI. We've run into some issues that seem to be fixed by switching between the two and while we have a gut fe...
We've been using on-prem for years and have occasionally been taking a look at moving to Jamf Cloud hosting for Jamf Pro. There's one item that just has me completely baffled though - Jamf Cloud allows anyone anywhere in the world to sign into your J...
I've been trying to set up a Webhook to send data to Splunk. We have a token to authenticate and when we set the authentication type to Header, we have to fill in the data in JSON format. Nothing we've tried will successfully authenticate. On the oth...
As has been discussed in many feature requests, by having the /?failover page be available to sign into the Jamf admin page when SSO is enabled, Jamf has essentially defeated the main point of using SSO - enforcement of MFA. Being able to access the ...
We've long used Patch Management for the great reporting features (though I do wish I could select which version of the product is the considered the latest version in our environment) and the notifications of new version releases are invaluable, the...