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Joined: March 2019

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Does anyone have a solution installing the Creative Cloud Installer?We are finding that the first time our users open the application it attempts to update and immediately prompts the user for administrator credentials. We are downloading the app pac...
We are having issues trying to redeploy M1 devices, the local Erase all content and settings option does not work due to a permissions issue and when trying to wipe via the Wipe command in JAMF the OS is erased and the device goes to the recovery men...
Intermittently our DEP/Auto-Enrolment devices do not complete the enrolment process. The MDM profile and cert is applied, Config Profiles apply and the device appears in JAMF Inventory however Policies never kick off and Self Service is not installed...
AutoPkgr does not upload to our cloud file sharing point correctly.The recipe seems to run without errors (no log events when searching "AutoPkgr" in the system.log with verbose logging on).When checking the package on the Jamf Pro web interface it a...
It's not practical to be packaging and deploying an application that updates every 2 weeks but our users require the latest build of the application. How can this process be automated? Specifically the application is Spark AR Studio, a new update is ...