New Contributor II

Joined: March 2021

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Hello Everyone,possible i oversee anything drive me crazy.We have a Jamf Pro setup, all standard with Infrastructure.I facing the Problem the Department field mapping does not pull the data form AD, fun fact if i enter department in the Room Field it...
Hello All,hpefully anyone has an Idea for me. We using a long time now Jamf to enroll our Mac's by DEP and UI always working fine.Since a short while now, the enrollment process starts normally, load the MDM Profile all looks good, then it stops by l...
Hello All,we struggle with an Implementaion for OneDrive since Bigsur.The Situation we have are to remove our Standard backup Software and sync special folders with Users Docs, Dekstop folder only l to OneDrive without need of the User manual redirec...
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