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New Contributor III

Joined: August 2020

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Jamf Cloud: I deleted the ipad object out of Jamf but the actual ipad still has mdm profiles on it. How do I add it back to Jamf? I don't know the activation code so I don't want to wipe it.
We have all our printers in Active Directory when computers were joined to AD they could see and add them. How do I connect to the Print Server and add printers on a Mac?
Does anyone know how to fix this?  
What makes a User Azure Active Directory ID show up in Jamf Pro? User Azure Active Directory ID84e9b457-a218-4869-8e67-Not presentNot presentNot presenta38a7f9c-adf5-4ce9-ab5c-Not presentca5e6dc8-a16a-45dd-b9be-15Not presentNot presentNot presentNot ...
I just turned on Patch management for these apps yesterday. I google searched this error but didn't get far. Anyone know what this is about?