10.10.3 Released

Valued Contributor


Best part: Addresses an issue that could cause Macs bound to an Active Directory server to become unresponsive at startup


Valued Contributor II


Not applicable

Also Safari 7.1.5 for Mavericks.

New Contributor

Glad they fixed that AD startup issue. Hopefully the Combo Update goes up on the support page soon.

edit: Speak of the devil:

Valued Contributor II

Yayyyy! Now all I need is the full install from the App Store so I can make a new Netboot!

Contributor III

Word on the street is that the 10.10.3 build number is 14D131 for both old and new Macs. No more fork!

Valued Contributor

Full install is on the app store now.

Valued Contributor II

@elliotjordan yeah it seems that way. The new NBI using @bentoms AutoCasperNBI boots new 13" MBA and MBP albeit a bit slower.


I'm still going to sit and wait for a while to see what people report after updating. I like my 10.9.5 environment

Valued Contributor II

Got my 10.10.3 NBI building in AutoCasperNBI right now. The latest AutoDMG worked fine for me despite the update message.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

fwiw, the AutoDMG update profile has been updated.

Valued Contributor II

Wheres my emojis so I can thumbs up this hahaha


Using AutoDMG 1.5.3 with the Yosemite installer for 10.10.3 14D131, I cannot seem to build a new image. After getting through most of the install, I'm getting lines like:

installd: postinstall: Invalid CSStoreUnitID: CSStoreRef=, CSStoreTableID=, CSStoreUnitID=

(With different random numbers after each equal sign.)

Anyone else?

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

Did you make sure to hit ⌘-U to get updated profiles?

Contributor III

@pcrandom AutoDMG 1.5.3 built a 10.10.3 14D131 image just fine for me. Yes, you can press Command-U to get updated profiles, but there are no additional updates needed and therefore the profile won't make a difference. (Whether that remains the case in the next few days is another question.)

Make sure you're running AutoDMG from a Mac that's also on 10.10.3, would be my advice.


@emilykausalik Yep, updated profile, no additional updates needed.

@elliotjordan It was as you stated at the end. I had just realized I was trying to build the 10.10.3 image on a system running 10.10.2. I updated it to 10.10.3 and it was able to proceed. User error. Carry on.

(I thought I had successfully built images in AutoDMG using a mismatching minor OS version on the "build machine" as long as the major OS version was the same in the past. And when I hadn't been able to build an image because of version mismatch I did not recall getting Invalid CSStoreUnitID errors. When I searched for the error, the only hits pertain to Chromium builds errors. shrug)

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I ran AutoDMG on a 10.10.2 Mac to create a 10.10.3 OS.dmg. No drama.


@bentoms That's really weird. No matter what, I could not get it to create a 10.10.3 image on a system with 10.10.2 (two attempts, rebooted in between, one with additional packages, one just the OS).

In fact, I decided to leave AutoDMG running, repeating the Invalid CSStoreUnitID error over and over again, on my third attempt, to see if eventually it would complete. I have horrible bandwidth at work, so at the same time I started the 10.10.3 update on the same machine. It was going to take half an hour to download delta update and so I switched back to AutoDMG's log window and left it up.

A little over a half hour later I noticed the log window was no longer repeating the Invalid CSStoreUnitID error and it finished building the image a little while later. I was confused until I realized that the system had finished updating to 10.10.3 and even though it hadn't even had a chance to restart yet, just installing it was enough to get AutoDMG out of its rut!

(To be safe, I rebuilt the image after restarting.)

Contributor III

For some reason, After creating a 10.10.3 dmg with AutoDMG and place it in imaging, it fails to place the Recovery HD.

I'm recreating the 10.10.3.dmg on a machine that is running 10.10.3 to see if that makes a difference.


EDIT: Recreating the dmg using AutoDMG on a 10.10.3 machine doesn't seem to make a difference. The Recovery HD doesn't get laid down. Also, I'm running casper 9.63


Release Candidate Programs Tester

@emilykausalik & @RHammen mentioned for visibility.

@tthurman 9.63 imaging too? Can you try 9.65 or 9.7?

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

10.10.3 VM 10.10.3 AutoDMG JSS 9.7


Spinning up a fresh VM from the new Apple Store OS X Yosemite installer app to confirm it's not a weird recovery HD update issue. Will report back findings tomorrow.

Contributor III


Yes, 9.63. I don't have my environment ready to go to anything higher currently. Might be able to update tomorrow evening. Change management processes to go through.



FWIW, not using Casper Imaging (yet!), the 10.10.3 AutoDMG-generated image went over fine using DeployStudio and did install the Recovery HD onto an early 2015 13" rMBP.

New Contributor

I had 1 out of three Macs (1 2015 retina, 2 2015 Airs - same model) that had a funny issue applying the Recovery HD with the 10.10.3 AutoDMG installer. The other two applied it without problems. In the case of the problem Air, formatting the disk using Disk Utility prior to imaging resolved the issue.

Running 9.62 here.

Contributor III

I've had this problem in the past. I thought that was the issue. I wiped to test but to no avail. I've tested on the following models:

13" Air Mid 2013
13" Air Early 2014
13" MBP Mid 2014
13" MBP Late 2013
13" MBP Early 2015
15" MBP Mid 2014
15" MBP Mid 2012
15" MBP Late 2011
15" MBP Mid 2010

None came down with Recovery HD.

Also, I don't remember if I said this. The NBI that I'm using is 10.10.3 (created on 10.10.2) with Casper Imaging 9.63.


Valued Contributor II

Casper Imaging 9.63 and 9.64 have serious issues, don't use them.

Try Casper Imaging 9.65. I'm in the process of testing right now and will see what I end up with. You don't have to be on JSS 9.65, I have clients still on 9.63 JSS and using Imaging 9.65 with zero issues/better functionality and reliability than with 9.64 or 9.63 or earlier.

9.7 has changes to install Recovery automatically, so perhaps something is broken there.

Valued Contributor II

Alright, I got a 10.10.3 Recovery partition.

JSS 9.65, Casper Imaging 9.65.
10.10.3 Base OS created with AutoDMG 1.53
10.10.3 NetBoot (using the above Base OS) created with AutoCasperNBI 1.17.

Valued Contributor II

Anyone seeing issues deploying the 10.10.3 combo via Self Service? I am seeing it hang up on "cleaning up" and not rebooting, though it looks like the install is done in the install.log. Same package works like a charm locally in the GUI. I have the policy set to install the 10.10.2 combo and reboot immediately.

Valued Contributor

@dgreen Sort of similar issue seen with applying the 10.10.3 update as the final stage of our imaging process. Netboot with Casper Imaging 9.65 puts down 10.10.2 autoDMG made OS and reboots with lots of after reboot pkg and scripts. The final script is to run Apple Software updates. It appears to do much of the 10.10.3 update but hanging and not doing the expected final reboot. I can see Photo.app is in place, but can't open console or activity monitor. For now, I've removed the software update script from the end of the configuration.

I suspect I can include the script again once I update our configuration to include the 10.10.3 autoDMG.

Valued Contributor II

For what its worth my 10.10.3 base which I made in AutoDMG works fine when I image with 9.65 Casper Imaging. I tried to lay down the 10.10.3 Combo on top of the 10.10.2 base and it ends up sitting forever on the "Installing additional software" phase of the imaging. I tried to image the 10.10.3 base using 9.7 imaging and it hangs in the same manner. Ah well. We knew that this one was going to take some testing... So it is... so it is...


Created a Netboot image using AutoCasperNBI and an OS X 10.10.3 DMG using AutoDMG. Everything worked fine and the recovery partition showed up fine.

Currently using Casper 9.65.

Contributor III

Thought it would be wise to move the Netboot discussion.

10.10.3 Recovery HD Missing using AutoDMG


Valued Contributor II

Ok, so I can confirm that either installing the combo update via Self Service or running Software Update via Self Service coupled with the "Reboot Immediately" item WILL NOT reboot the machine, and results in a barely functional machine until a manual reboot. No bundled apps will launch, and any you try to launch will prevent a manual reboot until you force quit them. This is JSS 9.62.

Running Software Update from the command line (softwareupdate -ai) seems to work fine, as does running them from the App Store.

Any thoughts as to what could be causing this? We really need to be able to point people to Self Service for updates as we have done in the past. Our branded Self Service app is front and center in terms of the Mac Teams visibility, and not being able to use it for the 10.10.3 update breaks our successful run of offering both specific OS updates and being able to kick off Software Update.

Valued Contributor II

Suggest opening a ticket with support. I've seen some hangups on a logout policy with just running softwareupdate -i -a (pointed, via configuration profile, to an internal server with updates enabled). I suspect the FirmwareUpdate.pkg may have something to do with this...


New Contributor III

I cried when I read the apple release notes...

Valued Contributor II

Yeah... I am testing a few more things and then i'll file a ticket with support. We really like to control what users are allowed to do what via Self Service, and if we can't on this... well...

Valued Contributor II

why not just add a reboot via the policy?

Valued Contributor II

Oh I have, both the built in reboot options in the policy, and /sbin/reboot command. Neither execute a reboot. I see in the logs that the policy completes and blesses the system, but it hangs there and never reboots.

I am going to walk back my saying "softwareupdate -ai" works properly as well. While this method does grab the updates and installs them, once its finished and gives you the "You have installed one or more updates which requires that you restart your computer...", if you don't reboot and try to launch any of Apples included apps or utilities, they never launch and must be force quit before you can manually reboot. This is the same result as installing the combo update via Self Service or using a policy based Software Update kickoff.

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

I had one out of 43 users that updated run into the bouncy-dock-no-load weirdness after the combo update. Had him boot into Recovery, do a disk fix and permissions check/fix and he was back in business afterwards.

Valued Contributor II

Yeah, thats what I am seeing with any method but the App Store method. A manual reboot brings the machine up as expected on 10.10.3.