Posted on 10-19-2016 03:13 PM
Hello all, first post on the boards, been lurking for a few years.
9.93 Introduced a new Configuration Profile specific to Proxy settings. I have been attempting to use these to configure our managed systems for "Enable Automatic Proxy Configuration" with a URL to our pac file.
The behavior I am seeing, however, is odd. When the devices can reach the URL, everything works as intended, however if a user connects to a separate network and can't access the proxy servers, Safari, iTunes and the AppStore report no network connection available, while browsers like Chrome and Firefox continue to work without issue. If I script these settings instead or set them manually, Safari, iTunes, and the AppStore work beautifully. The downfall of this workaround is that end users can always go in and change the settings to their liking...
I saw one similar post with no resolution from prior to 9.93, but nothing since. Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas on a workaround that's persistent?
Posted on 03-05-2017 01:13 AM
I have a new requirement to push all traffic through a cloud hosted proxy.
Previously I've simply used a script based on networksetup to configure active interfaces but recently have been testing the use of the proxy configuration policy to manage this. While I have a good understanding of how to configure the payload, I'm not sure how it's actually implemented on the workstation.
Usage: networksetup -setautoproxyurl <networkservice> <url>
Set proxy auto-config to url for <networkservice> and enable it.
Does anyone have any idea or links to better describe how the payload is applied to the machine and what applications may adhere to the policy?
Thanks, James.
Posted on 03-05-2017 01:36 AM
We've used config profiles to set proxies in some cases (specifically desktops) where local proxies are in use at the site.
From what we've seen, it's a blanket setting that applies to all interfaces. We've also noticed that reboots are required before any changes take effect.
In most cases we're still relying on networksetup
though as we can more easily turn it off and on with script logic and specify the interface we're interested in.
Here's a few of our write ups if it's of use: