how to make local documents downloads read only

New Contributor

We have an issue that we have set all our macs t 10.12.6 and none of the side bar redirects currently out work. So as a work round we want to set local documents and downloads to read only so students have to save to their network area. Can any body advise on this?


Contributor III

chmod -v -R 444 "/Users/$3/Documents"

I think. This makes it read only for everyone.

New Contributor

Could that be put into a script? if it was in a script would it be a run once or on every login?

Contributor III

It would only need to be run once. Yes it could be in a script. Use This as a reference.

Honored Contributor

Why not create a sym link? Making it read only allows the owner to still change permissions and they will own those folders.

Contributor III

Would creating a sym link copy everything already in their folders? I don't know much about how they work but that's probably the better option.

New Contributor

I would try symlink but every script i have tried doesnt seem to work with 10.12.6 symnlink would be ideal for us.

New Contributor

I have tried this script but it doesnt seem to grab the network account.

The very last script as we run a windows 7 and above environment. Should the volumes/net not be a volume/user$ or so it redirects to the user account? Any help would be massively appreciated.