Jamf instance initial setup "Edit Database Connection"

New Contributor II

Morning all. I just finished a manual install of jamf pro on an ubuntu 16.04 vm, and was met with the screen below - the strange part is, the changes I'm making won't persist. If I enter my custom information the DB/DB Username/Password fields and hit save, it sends me back to the main error page, and when I next hit edit, all of my changes have reverted back to what's in the screenshot.

Have any of you guys seen something like this before? I've found some other posts with problems with this page, but it seems mostly to be that people are running into a page where they're not able to edit in the first place, which isn't what's happening here.


New Contributor III

Yep. I ran into that. Albeit on a Windows Server. I checked the config file to make sure the correct information was getting saved. It was. So I restarted the server and everything started up normally and I was able to create an account, log in, etc.

Esteemed Contributor II

@wburnett Have you looked at the DataBase.xml file on your JSS to verify it has the correct permissions? If you edit that file locally on your JSS (nano is your friend there) does your Jamf Pro installation start up correctly?

New Contributor II

Thanks guys that did the trick! Although now that I'm past that, it looks like there's a mysql problem, although I followed the Linux jamf installation guide. When I go to https://myjamfip.com:8443, I run into the following screenshot. 90e7f751494e4deeac4b8e1e7a93b3b3

Does any of that look familiar to you folks? When I did some cursory googling most of the results are unrelated to jamf, or a similar question from a year or so ago that wasn't answered.

New Contributor II

Nevermind, managed to figure this one out with some server.xml configurations for running behind a load balancer.