JSS Log - VPP License with adam id ... has been transferred to a different VPP token.

Contributor III

I have 465 lines of this in my JSS logs as of today at 1:06 am, each with unique adam ids. Everything before and after it looks normal...the log says it's just info...but how and why did it happen?

We are cloud hosted and just updated to 10.1.1 on Friday afternoon. We do use Apple School Manager but have not yet gotten started using the new VPP license management feature that was recently released. When I log in to ASM and click on Content/Apps and Books I still see the option to Get Started. I checked with our other admin and he was also asleep at 1:06 this morning, not moving licenses around...

I called and opened a case with jamf to see what this means, but in the meantime I'm curious to know if anyone else is seeing this in their logs. I will update when I hear back. Thanks! :)


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Seeing this 1 customer who are also using ASM.

Contributor III

We continue to see this daily. The case I opened with jamf has been closed - they said that it would be worrying if we weren't seeing this in our logs, that it is normal and good and nothing to worry about. In retrospect I find that hard to believe since nobody has commented on it until now. If there are only two of us seeing this, then something is wrong with everyone else??? Odd...

New Contributor III

Make it three. Just yesterday alone, showing 657 times in my logs... I wouldn't call that normal behavior.

New Contributor III

We are seeing them too

Contributor II

Just saw 700+ lines of this in our logs from today. Trying to get more info on what is happening.... which token are they on and to which are they being transferred.

Contributor II

My jamf buddy said it was normal too. Here's the documentation he gave me.

Contributor III

In my mind that info makes sense if you have begun the migration process, though - we haven't done that. We are still using legacy VPP - purchasing apps at volume.itunes.apple.com, NOT through ASM. That process, from what I've heard, is disruptive and best done during the summer, not in the middle of the school year...

Contributor III

New Contributor

Hi. Thanks for the support call earlier. I've been through the apps and removed all with 0,0,0 . I cleared all the commands and taken a copy of the log file. Hopefully we will see some improvements.