macOS 10.12.4 upgrade via Self Service fails

Valued Contributor

hey guys, anyone else seeing this error when trying to create a macOS upgrade via Self Service?

Executing Policy Install macOS Sierra Upgrade
Installing macOS 10.12.4 Installer.dmg...
Preparing for in-place OS upgrade...
Failed to copy file to the install data folder. Failed to copy /Volumes/OS X Base System/Install macOS to /OS X Install Data/brtool: The file “brtool” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.
Closing package...

This doesn't work with 9.97 and 9.98. The installer was created via dragging and dropping the downloaded macOS App Store installer into Casper Admin, as always.

Was there anything changed with the 10.12.4 installer which Jamf wasn't aware of?


Release Candidate Programs Tester

@lashomb Have you had any issues with the computer going to sleep before the policy can execute fully? Tests have been working great but i ran into 1 situation where the device had a really low energy saver setting and the process just hung since the computer went to sleep. Guess I need to look into a couple of lines of code to extend the energy save settings!

Valued Contributor II

@TomDay I use caffeinate -dis & to keep the computer awake for the workflow.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@mpermann that's a new one to me, awesome, thanks for that tip.


I'm using the recommended script here but when trying out an upgrade via Self Service I get the 'Requirements Not Met' error even though my test MBA is connected to AC power and has oodles of free disk space.

I did add the Check Installer Present section mentioned by @bdelamarche but even having commented out the power and free space check sections I still get that error message, any ideas?

The installer is definitely present and named correctly in /Users/Shared.


However I re-uploaded the original script to Casper Admin today and all went fine.

Is there anyway to get an authenticated FV2 restart on both reboots?

Contributor II
Contributor II

@ianmb Right now with 10.12.4 FV authenticated reboots are broken in the installer unfortunately.

Valued Contributor II

FV auth reboot being broken is a total FAIL on Apple's part. I love how they rely on us to do their QA for them...

Contributor III

Anyone know if 10.12.5 still has this issue? (I am working on testing it now, just as soon as it downloads, and up to distribution server).

Contributor II

I tested my self service 10.12.5 combo updater install, and I found that my problem was that it finished the install, but then never restarted. The package itself is set to "Requires Restart", and my policy has the restart payload set to "restart immediately", for both user logged in and no user logged in. I also have "perform authenticated restart" checked.

After it was done it didn't restart, so I had to manually select Restart, and then it rebooted and everything was fine. But it did NOT do an authenticated restart, I had to log in to the FV2 screen. No actual problem with the install as far as I can tell, other than the fact that it didn't restart and didn't do an authenticated restart.

Contributor III

Issue not fixed with 10.12.5 full installer.

Valued Contributor II

And when you put in a ticket with AppleCare they will surely say "This is the first we have heard of this issue! Please make sure to put in a bug report, and encourage others to put one in as well.". Ahhh in-house QA is sorely lacking for a $750b company... Sorry. Done being snarky. Or not.


Any ideas about how I can overcome:

"Self Service" interrupted restart.

To continue restarting, quit "Self Service".

....after the script runs?

Honored Contributor

@ianmb which script?


The one here


Duplicate post

Contributor II
Contributor II

@ianmb The script as written should not encounter that error.

Please ensure the & is still at the end of line 173. It should look like this...
/Users/Shared/Install macOS --applicationpath /Users/Shared/Install macOS --nointeraction --pidtosignal $jamfHelperPID &


@Rosko I've verified line 173 looks exactly like that.

Do I need to add any specific Restart Options in the JSS policy?

Contributor II
Contributor II

@ianmb Nope, the macOS Installer takes care of the reboot, so that Policy Payload isn't needed.

Did the script work for you before or have you always had this issue?


@Rosko It works fine in our test environment, but not so in live (scoped to a single test machine) so I really don't know where the issue lies currently!


Due to numerous problems with the utility, I've pretty much given up on making a cutesy upgrade path. Now I simply have two policies - one that updates apps to full compatibility (e.g. office patch, etc) and runs a jamf manage, and the second one that brings the user to the mac app store page to download Sierra. They are scoped to a static group, which is also exempted from the "Install" restrictions we have. They are published in Self Service and instructions are provided via policy description. This also has the benefit of not requiring a software distribution point for external users.

Contributor II

Was this issue fixed in Jamf Pro 9.99.0 by any chance?

New Contributor

I am also encountering issues when upgrading from 10.11.6 to 10.12.5 installer. When i package the installer in the Users/Shared folder then attach the script to the policy, I'm able to run the policy in self service but the machine does not boot to the installer. The machine boots back to El Capitan and when I check the policy logs everything check out up until "Launching startosinstall..." I keep checking the script for any errors on my end.

Contributor II

@john.sherrod I'd also like to know if 9.99.0 did anything to solve this issue. My cloud JSS isn't scheduled to be upgraded for a few weeks, anybody on 9.99.0 tried doing a regular policy-based 10.12.5 upgrade? Or 10.12.4 for that matter?

New Contributor

Sorry folks. Not resolved in 9.99.0 I'm afraid. Just updated and re-ran my original self service upgrade to 10.12.4 and it still fails due to the brtool issue (see below). 10.12.5 also fails due to the same reason. Am reverting back to the scripts mentioned in this thread which do work (not ideal for us but better than nothing).

Preparing for in-place OS upgrade... Failed to copy file to the install data folder. Failed to copy /Volumes/OS X Base System/Install macOS to /OS X Install Data/brtool: The file “brtool” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.

Valued Contributor

I use startosinstall for auto upgrade Macs (tested on 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11) and works every time. You need to know that you need to do some workarounds to get it working 100%.

Click HERE for more information.

# All Glory and Thanks to Jesus!

macOSinstallerAppPath="/Applications/Install macOS"

CurrentloggedInUser=$(/usr/bin/python -c 'from SystemConfiguration import SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser; import sys; username = (SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser(None, None, None) or [None])[0]; username = [username,""][username in [u"loginwindow", None, u""]]; sys.stdout.write(username + "

# There was an issue with startosinstall command that "Install" needs to be opened once by logged in user to get it working properly
effectiveUserID=$(/usr/bin/id -u "$CurrentloggedInUser")
/bin/launchctl asuser "$effectiveUserID" sudo -u "$CurrentloggedInUser" /usr/bin/osascript <<EOT
        tell application "${macOSinstallerAppPath}" to activate
# Wait for 5 seconds to settle down then quit the app
/bin/sleep 5
/bin/launchctl asuser "$effectiveUserID" sudo -u "$CurrentloggedInUser" /usr/bin/osascript <<EOT
        tell application "${macOSinstallerAppPath}" to quit

# Run upgrade command
"${macOSinstallerAppPath}/Contents/Resources/startosinstall" --applicationpath "${macOSinstallerAppPath}" --rebootdelay 30 --nointeraction

# Reboot immediately if it has not rebooted by 'startosinstall'
/usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf reboot -background -immediately

exit 0


@Rosko I figured this out - I was doing an Update Inventory in the same policy which was holding up the reboot.

Without this, all is working perfectly, thanks!

Contributor II
Contributor II

@ianmb Glad to hear! Thanks for letting me know :)

@Kumarasinghe I'm not sure why you have to launch the installer and then quit it once. I have not seen that before.

And correct @john.sherrod, @znilsson, and @aservadei ...this hasn't been fixed in v9.99.0. We are aware of the issue and have it on our radar, but no timeframe of when it will be resolved. But you all can help by contacting your Jamf Buddy (if you haven't already) and open a case in reference to PI-003792.

Valued Contributor

@Rosko We had to open the app once as logged in user to get it working properly on older Mac OS versions. it was a known issue (Apple log number: 100147455701)

ISSUE: Upgrade command doesn't work properly (error: Helper tool creashed) on older operating systems than 10.11
When attempting to use the “startosinstall” command for your automated installation, you are seeing several failure messages found in the system.log (, error = 134: Service cannot load in requested session*)


@Rosko I'm now seeing the 'Requirements Not Met' pop-up message on some other machines - one example is an iMac on my desk, so permanently connected to power and there is very definitely more than 15GB free space on the disk (in fact there is hardly anything on the disk as it is a fresh install).

Any ideas?

Contributor II
Contributor II

@ianmb Do those computers by chance have fusion drives? If so, could you run diskutil info / and let me know the output.


@Rosko Turns out those iMacs had failing hard disks according to the S.M.A.R.T. info, so maybe that was it. The Late 2009 iMac I'm trying this morning is working great so far, thanks for your help once again!

Contributor II

@Rosko, Your Script is working for me except it would help if your script could do authenticated restart and prevent the screen saver from starting.

Contributor II
Contributor II

@burdett Yes, I would love to get the authenticated restart working, but unfortunately this problem is with the Apple installer. A bug report is open with Apple, but no ETA on when it will be fixed. More info can be found here.

As for preventing the screen saver, feel free to put in a feature request in on the GitHub page and I can add that in the workflow.

Glad its working for you and thanks for the feedback!


Trying to package the Sierra 10.12.5 installer that I've placed in /Users/Shared using Composer. However the end result is always a file that is zero bytes.

Any ideas? I've tried packaging as both PKG and DMG.



I reworked "Check if free space > 15GB" to use Bytes instead to get around the issue where TB could be reported instead of GB.

osMinor=$( /usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F. {'print $2'} )
if [[ $osMinor -ge 12 ]]; then
    freeSpace=$( /usr/sbin/diskutil info / | grep "Available Space" | awk '{print $6}' | cut -c 2- )
    freeSpace=$( /usr/sbin/diskutil info / | grep "Free Space" | awk '{print $6}' | cut -c 2- )

if [[ ${freeSpace%.*} -ge 15000000000 ]]; then
    /bin/echo "Disk Check: OK - ${freeSpace%.*} Bytes Free Space Detected"
    /bin/echo "Disk Check: ERROR - ${freeSpace%.*} Bytes Free Space Detected"

Still testing but seems like that will fix it?

Legendary Contributor III

Just a note, but that entire if/then block checking for the OS version to run the correct diskutil command can be avoided with the following code. This gets the correct data regardless of the OS version. Well, at least going back the last 3 or 4 OS releases. I can't vouch for going back further than that.

/usr/sbin/diskutil info / | /usr/bin/awk '/Available Space|Free Space/{print $4}'

or if you want bytes instead of the human readable string

/usr/sbin/diskutil info / | /usr/bin/awk '/Available Space|Free Space/{print $6}' | sed 's/(//'

Contributor III

Hi all,

macOS 10.12.6 just came out. Anyone can varify if this can be full installed via Casper? Previously I tried 10.12.4 and 10.12.5, but fails.

So far I've done 10.12.6 combo update only (the last full install that worked was 10.12.3). The combo update has been working fine via Self Service.

Esteemed Contributor III

I wonder if this is a JSS issue. Running the 10.12.6 Combo Updater results in a loop.

Computer reboots, does not preauthorize FV2, so I have to enter my password, end up back at Desktop.

Yes, my FV2 password matches my macOS (AD) password.



Honored Contributor II

We trigger the install with a policy, but by running softwareupdate --install "macOS Sierra Update-10.12.6".

Esteemed Contributor III

Here is what happened to me on an AD bound MacBook Pro:

20170718 I changed my LDAP password (and did NOT logout to sync to FV2; reboot never syncs password to FV2)

20170719 10.12.6 Combo Updater released; I manually installed but it looped (kept going to FV2 pre-boot screen; because FV2 password not in sync)

20170720 Repeat 10.12.6 Combo Updater manual install; same result; looped back to FV2 screen

20170720 I said FOOK IT and logged-out to sync password to FV2

20170720 I repeated 10.12.6 Combo Updater manual install; same result; looped back to FV2 screen; confirmed FV2 password is in sync

20170720 I had an epiphany; ran sudo fdesetup authrestart -delayminutes -1; then Repeat 10.12.6 Combo Updater manual install; SUCCESS!!!

Seems like the Combo Updaters beginning with 10.12.4 through 10.12.6 are failing to run fdesetup authrestart...thoughts?

PS, doesn't seem like this is a Jamf Pro (JSS) issue...
