Recovery Partition not hiding


I'm using the JAMF guide for Deploying 10.7/10.8 with the Casper Imaging suite. I'm imaging with a local replicated Casper repository, via Target Mode imaging - best of both worlds, fast local disk access to the images and packages, with access to the JSS to get the latest configs.

I've found that the Recovery Partition does not seem to stay hidden. During the imaging process, I can see the script run to hide the disk, but then it seems as though Target Mode Imaging sees the newly hidden disk, and attempts to install on it.

On reboot, the imaging process completes as expected, but once I log in, I can see the Recovery Disk in the Finder sidebar.

Has anyone else seen this?


New Contributor

I have been using this script that I'm pretty sure I found on JAMF nation that I can no longer locate, it basically is the same method as described in the knowledge base to hide the recovery partition but it doesn't seem to be working anymore. I'm not sure how you were hiding the Recovery HD, but I'm also seeing a change in behavior as of 8.64.


RecoveryHDName="Recovery HD"
RecoveryHDID=`/usr/sbin/diskutil list | grep "$RecoveryHDName" | awk 'END { print $NF }'`

/usr/sbin/diskutil unmount /dev/"$RecoveryHDID"
/usr/sbin/asr adjust -target /dev/"$RecoveryHDID" -settype Apple_Boot
/usr/sbin/diskutil info /dev/"$RecoveryHDID"


Try having that script run "At Reboot" during imaging. I use that exact script "At Reboot" with 8.64, and I have had no issues.

Valued Contributor III

Ive had to move the script from the configuration with the recovery partition to the configuration with the main base image and now it works again for me as well.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools


@gshackney Excellent point, it must be on the main configuration to work correctly.

Contributor III

Hi Guys,
I would endorse that following the document correctly solve the issue of hiding the recovery partition. I would a little bit explain the document here. Firstly, it is creating a Base Image of the OS and then placing that Base Image in a configuration like BaseOSImage. Secondly, it is creating the Recovery Partition and placing the recovery partition in another configuration lets say RecoveryHD. Now it creates the Script for hiding the RecoveryHD partition and places this script inside the BaseOSImage configuration. The last part is most important where the documents ask to double-click the BaseOSImage configuration and after entering all credentials, it creates a partition and then choose the RecoveryHD configuration to be deployed on this partition which is 1GB and 99% of the disk. I think this information should have been explained in the document prior to jumping into JSS. Thanks All.