User permissions script/launch daemon

Contributor III

Could anyone assist with combining these two scripts; one to temporarily promote the logged in user (used from MakeMeAdmin) and the other is to demote that user and any potential accounts that were created or elevated during their temporary admin. 


Promote - 


# This script will provide temporary admin    #
# rights to a standard user right from self   #
# service. First it will grab the username of #
# the logged in user, elevate them to admin   #
# and then create a launch daemon that will   #
# count down from 30 minutes and then create  #
# and run a secondary script that will demote #
# the user back to a standard account. The    #
# launch daemon will continue to count down   #
# no matter how often the user logs out or    #
# restarts their computer.                    #

# find the logged in user and let them know #

currentUser=$(who | awk '/console/{print $1}')
echo $currentUser

# write a daemon that will let you remove the privilege #
# with another script and chmod/chown to make 			#
# sure it'll run, then load the daemon					#

#Create the plist
sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist Label -string "removeAdmin"

#Add program argument to have it run the update script
sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist ProgramArguments -array -string /bin/sh -string "/Library/Application Support/TestFolder/"

#Set the run inverval to run every 7 days
sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist StartInterval -integer 180

#Set run at load
sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist RunAtLoad -boolean yes

#Set ownership
sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist
sudo chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist

#Load the daemon 
launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist
sleep 10

# make file for removal #

if [ ! -d /private/var/userToRemove ]; then
	mkdir /private/var/userToRemove
	echo $currentUser >> /private/var/userToRemove/user
		echo $currentUser >> /private/var/userToRemove/user

# give the user admin privileges #

/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -a $currentUser -t user admin

# write a script for the launch daemon #
# to run to demote the user back and   #
# then pull logs of what the user did. #

cat << 'EOF' > /Library/Application\ Support/TestFolder/
if [[ -f /private/var/userToRemove/user ]]; then
	userToRemove=$(cat /private/var/userToRemove/user)
	echo "Removing $userToRemove's admin privileges"
	/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -d $userToRemove -t user admin
	rm -f /private/var/userToRemove/user
	launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist
	rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist
	log collect --last 3m --output /private/var/userToRemove/$userToRemove.logarchive


osascript -e 'display dialog "You now have administrative privileges for 3 minutes." buttons {"OK"} default button 1'

exit 0



Demote All Users - 



log () {
        echo $1
        echo $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ") $1 >> $logfile

adminUsers=$(dscl . -read Groups/admin GroupMembership | cut -c 18-)

for user in $adminUsers
    if [ "$user" != "root" ] && [ "$user" != "jssadmin" ]
        dseditgroup -o edit -d $user -t user admin
        if [ $? = 0 ]; then log "Removed user $user from admin group"; fi
        log "Admin user $user left alone"



Legendary Contributor III

Why do you want to combine them exactly? They are 2 separate (but related) scripts for a reason since they're used at different times.

Contributor III

I think I explained it briefly, the first one will promote a standard user for X time and demote that same user, the second script will run a check for other admin accounts and demote, in case the user created or promotes other local accounts. Thinks like the privileges app do not meet our needs either.

Legendary Contributor III

OK, I think I see what you're after. You would want to edit this section in the first script:

if [[ -f /private/var/userToRemove/user ]]; then
	userToRemove=$(cat /private/var/userToRemove/user)
	echo "Removing $userToRemove's admin privileges"
	/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -d $userToRemove -t user admin
	rm -f /private/var/userToRemove/user
	launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist
	rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist
	log collect --last 3m --output /private/var/userToRemove/$userToRemove.logarchive


To this:

if [[ -f /private/var/userToRemove/user ]]; then
	userToRemove=$(cat /private/var/userToRemove/user)
	echo "Removing $userToRemove's admin privileges"
	/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -d $userToRemove -t user admin
	rm -f /private/var/userToRemove/user
	launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist
	rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/removeAdmin.plist
	log collect --last 3m --output /private/var/userToRemove/$userToRemove.logarchive

	adminUsers=$(dscl . -read Groups/admin GroupMembership | cut -c 18-)
	for user in $adminUsers; do
		if [ "$user" != "root" ] && [ "$user" != "jssadmin" ]; then 
			dseditgroup -o edit -d $user -t user admin
	    	if [ $? = 0 ]; then
	    		log "Removed user $user from admin group"
	        log "Admin user $user left alone"


You can also add this section to the top of the script somewhere so the log command will work


log () {
        echo $1
        echo $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ") $1 >> $logfile


Contributor III

thank you, yeah I wasn't sure where to add the lookup for the existing admins. it seemed when I tried to do the if statement for the existing admins it wasn't added in correctly. ill mess around with this a bit more. alternatively it worked as two separate scripts but the timing was off.