Why are you holding off from upgrading to Yosemite?


We're currently holding off from Yosemite, and I'm curious about why/if others are too. Our main concern is wireless. We have a brand new enterprise wireless network that is always dropping out for Mavericks users, and now we hear that 10.10.0 is even worse, and that 10.10.1 hasn't fixed the issue for enterprise users. I also heard rumors that it has issues with AD managed machines.

What's your experience with it, or reason for keeping away?


New Contributor III

We had a select group of our faculty make the upgrade to Yosemite. After two weeks we saw a few problems that were difficult to address. We are a higher education institution and depend heavily on email. This was the first issue, email not coming in from the Exchange server. Another issue that does not seem to be consistent is the "black screen of death" where a Mac cannot wake from sleep mode. In most cases there was just a black screen and in a couple there was a black screen with the white mouse cursor. We have not been able to use migration assistant or time machine to recover files to a another computer while we roll back the original. We have had to manually move files to an external. We have not been able to find a solution to the sleep/wake issue. We tried fixing permissions, clearing out settings to default, reinstalling 10.10, and performing a PRAM reset. Remote desktop reports they are awake and will run a task. After a reboot, mostly hard resets, the computer comes up fine. The only thing we are seeing across the board is that it is only after a long time asleep. Less than two hours it does not have the sleep/wake issue. We have told our users to not upgrade until this is resolved. And 10.10.1 has not fixed the issue.

Matthew Warren
College of Liberal Arts
Auburn University

Contributor III

We are holding off as we are still updating our backend servers for third party support (print drivers, network access control, security, backups, etc).


Why our school is not yet upgrading:

  • I haven't seen a reason why I should upgrade.
  • I do not want to be on the bleeding edge of a major OS upgrade.
  • I do not yet want to confuse end-users with a new interface
  • Though not relevant in our environment, I have witnessed Mail app fail to upgrade data when upgrading from 10.6.
  • Reasons others have stated, including WiFi concerns.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

We support a lot of education and business sites. Our IT staff are upgraded, mostly to experience any issues and start working on resolutions. For our non-technical users / customers we are advising to hold off for the same reasons you've mentioned (printing & wi-fi mostly).

That being said, Canon have already released 10.10 MFP drivers that we are using at one of our university sites so they seem more on the ball than they used to be.


Because of the following:

- Isn't approved on a global scale within our organization.
- It's just version 10.10.1, I'd wait at least 'til version 10.10.3 before I'd upgrade.
- No need, really. Our 10.9 build is stable and is working pretty well.

Contributor III

Serious wifi issues here. It randomly drops my connection and won't reconnect without turning wifi off and back on. I have had the issue since early beta testing. 10.10.1 has not fixed it. Sometimes I can go 30 minutes without it happening sometimes it happens every 2 minutes. That is more then enough of a reason to not upgrade.

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

Only 2 of my 40+ Yosemite adopters are having Wifi issues… I think my biggest concern is the wait for driver updates. We use Startech USB to DVI adapters and the last I checked they still hadn't released a Yosemite driver. Also waiting for updated printer drivers from Canon and Ricoh.

Esteemed Contributor III

Since Apple have classified Yosemite as a "security patch", environments that have security/vulnerability mandates may not be able to push this too far back.

About the security content of OS X Yosemite v10.10



We're primarily waiting for all our third party software vendors to support Yosemite, specifically

  • JAMF Casper JSS
  • Apple Remote Desktop
  • Forescout Secureconnector (Network Access Control agent)
  • Symantec Endpoint Protection (antivirus)
  • Citrix Receiver
  • Junos Pulse (VPN)
  • Box apps (Box Edit & Box Sync)
  • Carbon Copy Cloner
  • Adobe Acrobat XI (and Distiller)
  • Adobe Creative Cloud 2014 suite
  • Extensis Universal Type Server (and client)
  • Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 (not using Office 365 yet)
  • Apple iWork Suite (Keynote, Numbers, Pages)
  • Apple professional video suite (Final Cut Pro X, Motion, and Compressor)
  • Canon ImageRUNNER Advance printer drivers
  • Oracle Java Runtime Environment 7 (JRE)
  • Adobe Flash Player (yuck)
  • VideoLAN VLC

Based on our prior experience with Lion, Mountain Lion, and Mavericks, it typically takes 3–6 months after the initial release for all of these to become available, for our internal testing to complete, for our external security accreditation to complete, and for our deployment to start and finish.

Our early adopters typically get the second micro update (e.g. 10.7.2, 10.8.2, 10.9.2, and 10.10.2 when it comes out).

Our general users typically get the fourth or fifth micro update (e.g. 10.7.5, 10.8.5, 10.9.4, and 10.10.4 when it comes out).

Valued Contributor II

I haven't even updated my personal laptop (Yosemite in a VM) due to being in the middle of too many new projects.

Will probably do a wipe-and-reload over the holidays, since I've got 2 years of usage in a Mountain Lion->Mavericks rMBP, and am having enough glitchy issues that I'd like to start "fresh".


New Contributor III

For us, primarily this issue https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/discussion.html?id=12188

Legendary Contributor III

@mthakur - I can't speak to that whole list, but why is JAMF Casper JSS up there? They're supporting Yosemite day one. Or did you mean that you haven't upgraded your JSS yet to the version that supports it?

We aren't supporting it yet because we still need to test out some updated applications for it, and are waiting on one to be updated to support 10.10. And then we can build out our imaging components and workflow to make the move.

Also, the number of reported issues with Yosemite is a little concerning. I have to say I just don't really understand the desire by some Mac users to upgrade immediately. While there are some nice new features, I don't see anything all that compelling in 10.10 to urge me to switch my own personal Macs to it. They are quite happy on 10.9.5 right now and will wait until it becomes a little more baked before even considering it.
I was a bit surprised to see so many Mac admins at JNUC running around with Yosemite on their Macs, just a mere few days after it released.


Oh, I'm well aware JAMF Casper supported Yosemite (and Mavericks, and Mt Lion) from day one.
I was simply giving a comprehensive list of the 3rd pty software we need working in order to go to a major new OSX version. :)


We, as well as others have seen that a good portion of machines that have upgraded to 10.10 (JSS 9.61) no longer have FileVault recovery keys in the JSS. Thankfully we are in UAT stage right now so we do not have a large number of Yosemite machines at this point. Jamf says they are working on an update to the JSS now which should hopefully resolve this issue. Basically the JSS shows that the machine is encrypted, but when you go into the management tab it says that FileVault is "not configured" and there is no recovery key available. A pretty bad bug.

See this discussion:

Valued Contributor II

we aren't really having issues with rolling 10.10. I had 1 user complain of wifi, but I think it was a botched install or something as there was several other issues after they upgraded. All clean installs have been fine.

Occasionally see the black screen after waking, but I've only gotten that feedback while a user would pass me in the hall and say "hey... by the way", but some of those users reported it in 10.9... and 10.8 before it, across multiple systems - so I don't really put much stock in that type of problem being fixed.

I personally use airdrop frequently in my office/lab and i've had to resort to searching for older macs frequently, even on same model/year systems.

so little issues, but nothing really that puts a halt on deployment. we're now at 51 machines have been rebuilt or in-place upgraded...

Valued Contributor III

We're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. 10.9.5 has a major issue for us where a system bound to AD will eventually lock up and need a hard restart (it is triggered by network changes, coming onto our network has a chance to cause a lockup). This issue was even worse in 10.10.0, but seems to be fixed in 10.10.1. We are still seeing absolutely terrible wifi instability in 10.10.1, though.

Valued Contributor II

Well... we're supporting a testing environment within ITD like everyone else. And, like everyone we don't tend to put out .0 releases. Now that 10.10.1 is out, we'll need to verify that the wireless issues are resolved and then we will continue a slow tested roll out with some of our enterprising staff. The primary reason for a slow roll? Well, we're an EDU. No sense in yanking the rug out form everyones feet mid year.

We always make sure that we maintain a universalized feature set within our classroom environments so as to prevent our students or teachers from HAVING to learn IT. We're very, very up to date and we constantly educate but we try to keep everyone on the same version of just about everything in order to maintain continuity (Bad use of the term now that Apple's licensed it) and compatibility. Because of the timing of the release cycle we won't push 10.10.x until May as we run up to our 15-16 school year. At which point, we will be moving every unit on campus up to that mark. Right now we're over 90% 10.9.4-10.9.5 on our units.

For us it solves a lot of side-training issues. If everyone has the same version of everything then everything they tell other users to do will work no matter what! It leaves the onus on us in IT to ensure feature compatibility. Then again, I think that was one of my main reasons for moving to Casper years ago.

Valued Contributor

I've got my group of beta testers running 10.10 right now and so far they've only reported minor issues with their Yosemite upgrade (over the top of our 10.8.5 imaged machines; in use for 1.5 years; so lots of cruft).

  • minor Wi-Fi issues, but *not* as widespread or severe as many are complaining about
  • the interface changes take some getting used to
  • some are complaining that their browsers are slower (I've been teaching them how to "reset" them)
  • a few reports of black screens upon wake-from-sleep, but it's easily resolved by closing the lid again, waiting a few seconds and then opening it back up again

The Wi-Fi issue that's being widely reported is my biggest worry. I'll be watching it carefully to see if it becomes a problem in our environment. It might become the showstopper thing that prevents us from upgrading across-the-board to 10.10.x.

Contributor III

We've seen this issue as well, but have tracked it down to some kind of change that was made either with Apple's OpenDirectory/AD plugin, and/or AD infrastructure changes. We've noticed that the network change is causing a large amount of data to be pushed (check activity monitor for opendirectoryd) – typically about 50-60MB before the machine will respond again. On slower connections (DSL, coffee shops, etc), this completely stalls some of our machines. The most recent MacBook Pro's with 16GB of RAM sometimes seem to be able to push through it, but most others end-up with this hard freeze. Once the data dump has completed, the system returns to normal functionality. Sadly, this issue has followed into Yosemite, so no fix there. The glimmer of hope is that we have been playing with a script that moves the opendirectoryd process to a lower priority, which seems to largely prevent the whole system freeze. Doesn't help the massive data transfer tho...

For the larger discussion, we've been evaluating Yosemite since mid-way through the developer cycle, and are seeing some security patching being a partial driver for upgrading. That said, Yosemite is only in the hands of a small group of testers at this point while we test for application compatibility with our large catalog of apps and plugins.

Contributor II

Agree with Don about security. We had massive issues in our test group with Wi-Fi "waterfall" effect in 10.10. 10.10.1 has fixed Wi-Fi for all testers here starting with the second seed. We use Cisco Access points - WPA2 Enterprise, EAP-TLS with user certificates broadcasting on 2.4 and 5 GHz. That said, I'm trying to hold off on upgrading everyone as long as possible so the rest of the issues can shake themselves out.