Can't add/install/push app to a device

New Contributor III


I have a teacher who's using SONY headphones, so i wanted to push him the sony app.

The purchased app is properly synced from ASM/VPP Store to JAMF.

But when i load the device in JAMF school and want to "add" the app to the device, the app isnt not listed.
But i can see the app under JAMF-Apps.

What cant prevent an app to show up .Screenshot 2024-03-06 134933.jpg


Contributor III

Have you tried creating a device group for just that app and placing the teacher device into that device group? It's a work-around to get an app pushed to a specific device. 

I'm guessing that you have the app and the device in the same location. We use multiple locations for our schools and that makes a difference for apps being purchased and pushed. Have you scrolled through the list of available apps instead of using the search? Not sure if it would matter, but maybe a localization/language spelling difference?

That's all I can think of at the moment to try.

Good Luck!

Greg Bobbett

New Contributor II

Apps don't show up if they are not compatible with the device.

In this case I think you want to install "Sony | Headphones connect" on a iPad. This app is only compatible with iPhone/iPod Touch.