User Activity
Hi chaps, went to image a machine on Friday and noticed we didn't get
any Wifi, so tried to send it through Casper Remote just incase it was
skipped for whatever reason and still nothing! We have a script that
installs a certification and takes the l...
Not quite sure whats been going on, have been imaging 10.11 fine for a
month or 2 and had no issues. Do our base image and then second stage
imaging, restart it and then I get this screen which we have never had
before - Sometimes it will last a minu...
Not sure if there is something like this out and about already if so
then just ignore! Just thought it would be fun! Just a list of helpful
apps that you use to manage your macs/with every day mac usage! Sure
many of you know these already but might ...
Hi All, We have a OneDrive Install pkg - now the file is indexed, but
when I got to Casper and Action I still don't get an uninstall option?
Any ideas on how I remove "OneDrive for" ThanksSimon
Here we usually image the machine with my base build stick them in a
draw then when the user is ready we will profile for that user, log-in,
month the drives they require, then send FV through casper remote, then
restart, and login and we need to ena...