With option two: Does the manual enrollment allow JAMF to remove/change
the passcode if needed? Our biggest reason for enrolling phones is so we
don't lose control of them when a staff member leaves.
We are still dealing with this issue. 1.7.0 was released yesterday
taking care of the KTEXT issue, but on Big Sur machines Lightspeed
Engineers are telling us we must have 3 certs to make it work properly
until they can figure out how to deploy the c...
We are experiencing the same issues on AD SMB shares. However, we are
testing nomad as an option for shares and it seems to not be affected by
this security patch. If we move to use Nomad instead, then we have to
figure out how to remove the dead lin...
@kburns where you able to modify the script from @rtrouton to work on
OS10.12 or higher? We are looking for the same need, but I have not had
any luck with the script producing the appropriate prompts. Any info
would be appreciated.