New Contributor II

Joined: January 2018

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HiInside ABM / ASM theres a tickbox called "Allow this MDM Server to release devices."With the setting turned on where / how does one trigger this release via jamf?note: not trying to do mass releases, am aware dumping csv contents into ABM/ASM searc...
So it turns out Mojave likes to warn users when they fire up a 32bit application (or a 64bit app that has a 32bit component somewhere inside).Does anybody know if JAMF can be used to silence these warnings but only for specific applications.I dont wa...
HiHas anyone managed to add computers to DEP that were purchased before your company was enrolled in DEP.Google tells me for iOS devices this can be done with Apple Configurator, but what about OSX devices?End-goal: To be able to internet recover com...
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