AppleTV won't inventory

Contributor II

I am testing enrolling an AppleTV. I have my profiles and go through the Configurator steps. The device shows up in the JSS, but inventory never runs. I have re-run the Configurator process several times now, deleting the device from the JSS before starting. It enrolls right back in the JSS, but I never get an inventory of the unit. The UpdateInventory command perpetually shows as 'Pending'.

I get the serial number and UUID number during enrollment. That is the only information I get from the device. The AppleTV is on our Wi-Fi network and functions properly otherwise.


Contributor II

OK, After days of not updating inventory. And after multiple failed attempts to inventory… Suddenly, it has collected inventory. And if I send an UpdateInventory command, it inventories. No idea what has changed…


New Contributor III

I'm finally getting around to making ATV an offering at my company. Did you ever figure out where the glitch was? Just asking in case I run into the same issue.


Contributor II

I suspect a change in our network infrastructure. When I asked, they told me nothing changed… but they had a lot of overtime around the time it started working. Just saying'.