Chrome Display issue with Casper 8.61


Is anyone else having this issue using chrome, with version 8.61? The last item in that "headder" row wraps below and often overlays over other items.

external image link

Everything displays alright with Safari - so I guess I'll have to use that if it bothers me too much.



Using the inspector and looking it looks like an addition of a "width: 100%;" to the css to the "ul.tabnav" in the "Master.css" would resolve the issue (at least for chrome browser)

It's possible I had an older cache of the Master.css that finally got updated the today.

It looks like you can uncomment the "width: 900px;" from the file: /Library/Tomcat/webapps/ROOT/theme/Master.css

Probably not supported - though unlikely to do much harm

View solution in original post


New Contributor III

Same here...

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

I've had it since 8.6. I just figured it was a font issue on my system...hmm, now I know it's not.

Contributor III

I'm also having this issue.

Valued Contributor II

I'm having it on 8.6...
i just reloaded a the system yesterday and did a fresh install of chrome Version 22.0.1229.79


I know I definitely didn't have the issue with 8.6.

I swear today is the first day I have seen the issue, but we updated to 8.61 late last week.



Using the inspector and looking it looks like an addition of a "width: 100%;" to the css to the "ul.tabnav" in the "Master.css" would resolve the issue (at least for chrome browser)

It's possible I had an older cache of the Master.css that finally got updated the today.

It looks like you can uncomment the "width: 900px;" from the file: /Library/Tomcat/webapps/ROOT/theme/Master.css

Probably not supported - though unlikely to do much harm

New Contributor

I am having the same issue.....

contacted account manager and they have recognized it as a defect (D-003183). They say it is slated to be addressed in an upcoming release.

Only workaround they say is to use another browser.

Contributor II

A me too on the glitch.

I have a bit of a suspicion that the problem was introduced by a Chrome update though. I've been running 8.6 for a couple of weeks with no problem until it started rendering strangely today. Was using Chrome the whole time, but since it auto-updates itself, and I haven't changed my JSS recently, and Firefox and Safari work fine, I suspect that the newest Chrome update introduced the issue.

New Contributor III

ditto what fsjjeff said

New Contributor II

Ditto fsjjeff, I had no problems with 8.6 until the latest Chrome update.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Looks like this was a Chrome issue and not a JSS issue. My display is working fine now:

Version 23.0.1271.17 beta

Anyone else confirm?

New Contributor II

I can confirm that the issue is still there with JSS 8.62 and Chrome 22.0.1229.94 (Which is current as of today). So issue D-003183 was not addressed in 8.62.

Valued Contributor II

or chrome just sucks

Valued Contributor II

although sometimes it is nice to have facebook be completely blank so i don't have to see the dumb comments some of my friends make.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

I seriously think this is a Chrome issue and not a JAMF issue. The current version of Chrome that I am running (under 10.8.2) is 23.0.1271.26 and I am no longer seeing the issue.

Contributor III
Contributor III
I seriously think this is a Chrome issue and not a JAMF issue. The current version of Chrome that I am running (under 10.8.2) is 23.0.1271.26 and I am no longer seeing the issue.

I agree. I also just updated to version 23 and yeah no more problems.