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12:07 AM
- last edited
a week ago
I am currently attempting to distribute a managed file access app called filebrowser for business
the app is configured for mdm configuration, so that we can automatically distribute custom settings to our users. such as login username share type and share path etc.
Upon automatic install of the app, the following error is occurring "The app “com.stratospherix.filebrowserbiz” is already scheduled for management."
The app was distributing to another (my) iPad fine, and setting the managed app settings correctly, although originally it wasn't vpp purchased, but I had purchased against my own itunes account so I set the app as free, I have since deleted the app from jss and re added it as a non free app and vpp distributed to the appropriate staff.
I attempted a failed command purge: delete from mobile_device_management_commands where apns_result_status != 'Acknowledged';
which didn't fix the issue, and the same failed command message appeared.
What I suspect is happening, is the management component to configure the app, is attempting to install, but the app isn't distributing. The ipad air 2, 128gb and is running as expected. The ipad is not managed but it is not prompting to approve the install of the app. I have hard reset the iPad a few times.
while writing this post, I just tried loading the vpp licensed app via the app store, and it installed without problem. and to my surprise it also had the applied managed app configuration.
Has anyone else experienced this? I am hopping to distribute the app to another 500+ and fixing this manually will be somewhat impossible.
Posted on 06-22-2015 07:36 AM
I will let you know if we see the same issue. We are about to purchase the app for 500+ devices in our environment.
Posted on 10-29-2015 08:29 AM
I am seeing this in our environment. iOS 9.x, JSS 9.80. Students in grade 7, new iPad Airs, Disabled App Store.
The Apple apps were not properly licensed at first, so when the app requests went out from Self Service they failed with a Redemption Code error. Now that I have fixed that by obtaining and assigning VPP Managed licenses, the app installs are failing "the app" ... "is already scheduled for management". Clearing the errors, restarting the iPad, Updating Inventory.. not working.
It does seem like the Management command is hanging around, and blocking the subsequent install request.
Posted on 11-06-2015 09:07 AM
Informed today that this is a known bug with Device Based Management of Apps with a possible fix in next release
We are running iOS 9.x, JSS 9.81 1400+ iOS, 1000 MacOS
I have 2 of 145 iPads that do not show the App on the iPad but receive the following error in JSS
Install App - Notability PAID The app “com.gingerlabs.Notability” is already scheduled for management.
Instructed to:
1) DFU the iPad
2) Re-Supervise as we have done in the past
I will update after attempting the fix
Possible Factors from our site (listed just in case similar circumstances as others with the issue):
Student stopping the install of the App (due to fear that someone had "Jacked" their iPad :)
Student attempting to install from Self-Service an older version of the same app
JSS restart during execution of the App install (highly unlikely)
Posted on 11-09-2015 08:01 AM
Instructed to:
1) DFU the iPad
2) Re-Supervise as we have done in the past
After DFU-ing the iPads in question each iPad correctly received the App via Device Managed App Distribution
Now we just need the problem fixed in the next JSS update
Posted on 02-17-2016 11:14 AM
Is there another way around this?
Posted on 02-17-2016 11:59 AM
Attended an Apple iOS 9.3 informational meeting and I believe the answer to our issues is to be fixed in iOS 9.3
There is a known bug when Automatically Update App is selected in Casper where the App will lock up and no longer open
Here's what we are doing in the interim
1) Unscope the App you are having issue with (for us it's Notability) in Casper
2) Manually Delete the App from all devices that have it installed
3) Be sure that the Auto-Update App option is NOT selected
4) Re-Scope the App to the devices
This is supposed to solve the Tap the App and it begins to start up but then closes
iOS 9.3 should solve the issue and is anticipated to drop end of March :)
Posted on 02-17-2016 12:06 PM
End of March feels pretty harsh for a problem that requires "Manually Delete the App from all devices that have it installed" to fix in the meantime. I feel for you guys who are running into this one...
Posted on 02-17-2016 12:09 PM
Thank you. That sounds like what I stumbled onto today. Our Google Apps went kaput. Luckily I had "Remove app when profile is removed" checked. That batch deleted the apps when I took the device groups out of the scope. Putting the apps back on devices is a one-by-one approach. I tried to do them all at once, but I kept getting "already scheduled" errors.
Posted on 02-17-2016 12:10 PM
We plan on having the students do the tapping to remove the app so that part is a little easier :-}
Posted on 03-08-2016 06:24 AM
Getting this issue at the moment still. Latest IOS and JSS. Hope 9.3 fixes this issue.
Posted on 03-08-2016 06:36 AM
As we often forget to post when things work, but always post when there's an issue...
I can report (still gonna knock on wood) that our issue with Notability App on iPads using device based distribution has been resolved
Just as advertised:
1) Un-scope the App
2) Remove the App from all devices (Kids did it for us saved time)
3) Verified no Auto-Update selected on App in JSS
4) Re-Scoped the App
Happy to report students and staff now have a working copy of Notability
Posted on 04-04-2016 11:52 AM
Does anyone know if the 9.3 or 9.3.1 updates solved this issue? and if we update to jss 9.9 and iPads to 9.3.x this will all be solved?
Posted on 07-18-2016 12:55 AM
Has this issue been resolved? I've just come to setup a load of iPads again with the Auto Update feature and some are displaying this in the commands failed list: "The app with iTunes Store ID is already scheduled for management."
Posted on 09-21-2016 10:12 AM
Sad to report it's still happening with me for both Notability and Google Apps, with IOS 10.0.1 and JSS 9.96. I'm sorry, but I think it's absurd this issue is tolerated. Touching each device to remove, DFU, or reinstall is not a viable "fix". The fact you can't even query for iPads in this state makes it even worse. Vent over.
Posted on 10-23-2016 08:33 PM
It looks like we are experiencing the same issue with iOS 10.0.2, JSS 9.96 and GarageBand. Unfortunately we can't even delete the GarageBand app from the iPad. Its status is "waiting..." on the iPad. If we attempt to delete it asks for confirmation, however it doesn't delete it. GarageBand isn't listed in settings, general "Storage & iCloud usage" so we can't delete it that way either. Any hints would be appreciated.
Posted on 10-24-2016 07:56 AM
Hmm, 'Storage and iCloud Usage' is what I was going to suggest. I've had some success deleting apps right after a restart. Otherwise I have a utility iExplorer that allows me to delete the app files off the iPad. Sometimes I use it to clear out the Downloads folder of partial installs and the sqllite DB and restart the iPad so it'll be recreated.
Posted on 10-25-2016 12:28 PM
Wow @cdenesha using that iExplorer tools seems to do the trick, thanks!!
Posted on 10-26-2016 06:37 AM
We are using iBackupBot to Dump the contents of the downloads folder. Then I use "idevicediagnostics restart" in terminal to restart the device ( <--Saves fingers...
Posted on 10-31-2016 09:12 AM
I'm finding this to still be an issue. I'm on JSS 9.96 and iOS 9.3.5. Like @dmillertds said, I'm not excited about touching all the devices to fix this.
It it looks like this issue has been around for a while, so I don't know if there is any end in sight.
Posted on 11-03-2016 08:29 AM
Seeing this issue as well. I'm on 9.96 but Ive been seeing this for a while. Currently looking at an iPad that is running 9.3.5 ad has 3 of those failed commands. The time is 12:15 am which is right after the time the apps auto update.