You should be able to get what you want by using something like
this:#!/bin/sh PrefPanePath="/Library/PreferencePanes/Retrospect
Client.prefPane" if [ -d "$PrefPanePath" ]; then prefix=$(defaults read
"${PrefPanePath}/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleSho...
I would start by looking for another policy that is manipulating
anything in the dock. It could be that you have two policies clashing
with each other.The jamf.log file in /var/log folder of the machine may
be able to point you in the right direction...
One other thing to keep in mind is that the desktop wallpaper is
considered in the user context in macOS. That means if you are trying to
use JAMF to make the change, your script has to issue the command in the
context of the user and not root (which...
In that case you could scope the profile that puts the restriction in
place to a smart group where the wallpaper and desktoppr installation
packages have been installed.This should allow for the setting of the
background properly before it gets locke...