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Joined: June 2021

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Hello.Can anyone advise steps for SCIM Renewal please?I have looked over https://community.jamf.com/t5/jamf-pro/how-to-renew-scim-token-in-apple-business-manager/m-p/291373#M259451 and these steps don't match the options I see in ABM.I only see prefe...
Hello community.We have upped our Jamf Connect licence count as we have added more Macs to our estate.When we upload the new JC licence file into Jamf Pro which option should we take here and why? Distribute to All Choose "Distribute to All" to distr...
Hi.Can anyone advise why scripts are failing to remove non crop apps?I have recently added several policies to jamf pro to remove non corp apps.Policies \ Scripts added for.App Books RemovalApp Chess RemovalApp FaceTime RemovalApp Garage Band Removal...
Hi.Has anyone experienced the battery drain problem after updating to Ventura and found a fix that works for them ?I'm seeing massive battery drain on multiple macs since the Ventura update.I have read lots of forums that offer various solutions.I ha...
Has anyone had issues with Zoom infrequently disconnecting when Zscaler is running using wifi or lan?Zoom and Zscaler deployed via Jamf Pro. Currently both on latest release version and macs running Ventura. Issue also happened when the macs were run...
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