Composer Packaging Compressor Error: Command failed with error code (1): '/usr/bin/hdiutil'


Has anyone experienced this and found a remedy? Final Cut Packaged fine. I then started a new package install of Compressor and when building as a DMG the following error appears at the stage you normally receive the successful beep noise (and package output to save location). Error: Command failed with error code (1): '/usr/bin/hdiutil'


New Contributor III

Did you find a solution? I have the same problem at the moment.

Esteemed Contributor III

Does the DMG have any spaces in it's name?



Same problem here. Works fine if I package up Final Cut X or Motion, but get the error when trying to package Compressor (no spaces in the name).

To work around it, I am saving it as a PKG instead of a DMG.

Esteemed Contributor III

@nethers posted:

Error: Command failed with error code (1): '/usr/bin/hdiutil'

Tim, can you post the rest of the log?



Edit: I thought it worked by removing the spaces, it really seemed like it but it failed with the same error again.

New Contributor

I ran across the same issue when trying to build a Google Sketchup 2013 package. As far as I know the only difference I have made is this is the first package I've made using Mavericks. Running 8.73. Tried a permissions repair but it didn't fix anything.


Sorry, I do not recall the solution. It has been a while.


I figured out what it was. I had installed Drive Genius 3 on my work machine and it includes a function that's called DrivePulse. Where it scans you disk for errors live. Or something like that.

I remembered I had difficulties and odd problems with disks in general when that was active so I flipped it off and then Composer started working again. Maybe you have some similar tool or even DrivePulse that's messing it up.

New Contributor II

At this point it seems like an issue specific to Mavericks. I tried it on both a clean Mavericks VM as well as a 10.9 physical machine. It's just the OS with Composer installed on it and there aren't any spaces in the package name. Everything failed with hdiutil error. I spun up a new Mountain Lion 10.8 VM with the same config and I was able to build a DMG in Composer 9.2 just fine.

New Contributor

I too have encountered hdiutil errors when exporting packages from Composer on Mavericks. Will let the group know if I discover a workaround.

New Contributor

I just encountered this error for the first time on Mavericks using Composer 9.21. A clean instal of the OS did not help, repairing disk permissions did not help, rebooting did not help, saving to any other location on the hard drive did not help. I was able to build all my other packages just fine with the same configuaration and now suddenly I can't.

Valued Contributor II

Hi all

To rule out if it's a permissions thing, one thing you could try is logging in to the client and root user ( obviously not recommended normally) and see if that works.

New Contributor III

I tried the fix posted here : and it worked for me. Hope you have the same luck!

Valued Contributor II

which fix please? i can see a couple on here

Valued Contributor II

which fix please? i can see a couple on here

New Contributor III

Sorry, the one by franton, to temporarily disable McAfee, allowed me to finish packaging with Composer.

Valued Contributor III

@twrangham You're welcome! However I've since found it's not completely reliable for me. I suspect there's something wrong with that specific computer however as my test mac never does this.

New Contributor III

I also encountered this error running composer 8.73 on OS X 10.9.1, if you run the hdiutil command that composer runs in verbose mode you will see error -5341. A quick google search returns this thread suggesting Mavericks throws this error for any package > 100MB the thread provides a workable fix by running the hdiutil command with a -size flag, obviously this wont work directly through composer but you can run the hdiutil command separately to get the same results. For reference command i used to create .dmg package below:

/usr/bin/hdiutil create <target_package>.dmg -srcfolder <composer_dir>/<pkgname>/ROOT -volname <pkgname> -gid 20 -mode 755 -puppetstrings -format UDZ0 -size <pkgsize>M

I will raise a support call with JAMF

New Contributor II

Thanks nixonc. I'm seeing the same problem this morning. Though I've been building other images for weeks.
Will pass this thread on to my rep as well.

New Contributor

Seems OK now! Here's what I did (though not all was relevant, you choose):

  1. Ran Disk Warrior (no directory damage). Ran Fix Permissions/Check Files & Folders from Disk Warrior (1 minor problem).
  2. Rebooted to boot drive, created package source with Composer (no spaces, no periods) and built as DMG, saving it to EXTERNAL FIREWIRE DRIVE. OK!

New Contributor

Happened again! Tried my last posted fix, didn't work. Ran Onyx, worked! PS-I was trying to package Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 when it failed this time, and it worked with a different app (UTS) after running Onyx, so I'm not sure it wasn't something Symantec did, you know those pesky virus programs! (SEP12 is still running, though).

Valued Contributor II

@ccardona1, if you are trying to deploy Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.4 you might have a look over at for a way that doesn't use composer at all.

Esteemed Contributor III

Hopefully you aren't running antivirus on your development Mac. :)


New Contributor II

Had the same problem using 10.9.2 using Composer 8.73

Disabled On-access scanning on McAfee Security 1.2.0 and I can now create DMG's


So no actual, reliable, fix for this?

Have just got this error, packaging Google Chrome browser, on Mavericks iMac (10.9.2) using Composer v8.73. No anti-virus or other scanning type software running.

Strangely enough I did have some pre-packaged Sources in Composer, so tried one of those (Safari 6.1.1 update) and it created the .dmg fine!

Would love a resolution for this.


TRUE Vanilla 10.9.2 & Composer 8.73

A co-worker and I just looked into this.. thankfully he's smarter than me. But here's what we found...

In Mavericks there appears to be an error/bug/feature in Mavericks that disallows the creation of a disk image using hdiutil in the methodology that JAMF uses with Composer if the DMG is over a certain size. Either 100MB or 128MB?

We were trying to create a DMG with Acrobat Reader that included some 'yes I have read the licenses etc' pieces and use it to apply to all users (hence the DMG), so I REALLY don't want it to be a .PKG. But the DMG process kept failing over and over with the same error.. the hdiutil error above, which ultimately was actually "error -5341". So in googling around, we came across an indication that it may be a default size issue. The command that Composer uses to create the DMG is akin to:

hdiutil create /Path/to/Desitnation.dmg -srcfolder /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Composer/Sources/Source-of-DMG/ROOT -volname Destination -gid 20 -mode 755 -puppetstrings -format UDZ0

And this fails.. theoretically because the source material is too large to squeeze into a 100+MB DMG (it's like 320MB).
After some fiddling and testing with formats and other parameters, we tried the above with a slight adjustment:

hdiutil create /Path/to/Desitnation.dmg -srcfolder /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Composer/Sources/Source-of-DMG/ROOT -volname Destination -gid 20 -mode 755 -puppetstrings -format UDZ0 **-megabytes 330**

Voila.. it worked. Disk Image created. As a control, he tried creating the same DMG using the Disk (e.g., pointing it at the source folder that was failing and asking it to make a compressed image) and it also failed with the same/similar error 'Unable to create "ROOT." (error -5341)'.

Like I said.. thankfully he's smarter than I am. So, not a fix per se.. but something to lead us in a different direction.

Valued Contributor II

I tried this for a wacom driver, and it returned hdiutil: create failed - function not implemented.
not much on google for that one.
I tried -megabytes 128 (folder is only 109mb) and 330, neither worked.

Trying Composer 9.3 and 10.9.2 - with bare metal wipe and reload.

Valued Contributor II

I used a different 10.9.2 machine. Worked fine.

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

I'm getting a similar error when trying to use Composer to 'Convert to Source' a .mpkg file to create an installable package:

Command failed with error code (1): '/usr/sbin/installer'

Would this be related?

New Contributor II

Was having this issue today trying to make a chrome.dmg. Using the pre-installed software option for Composer. After looking through this and some other threads and still getting errors even running hdiutil from terminal I decided to check hdiutil and noticed it was set as group > wheel. Decided to run it was root to test my hypothesis and sure enough root ran it w/o any error 5341.

So I went and added administrator to wheel group, reopened Composer and created the dmg without any error. Seems that only members of wheel can run /usr/bin/hdiutil

Esteemed Contributor III

Runs fine for me, no errors. I'm logged in as a non-admin user on a test Mac running 10.9.2 (13C0121), latest Chrome, Composer version 9.31.



New Contributor II

Something really odd here (10.9.4, Composer 8.73, no antivirus):
I get the above error when trying to compose Swedish Firefox 30.0 as FEU, but not when doing the same with English FEU. Same naming convention ("Firefox_sv_install"/"Firefox_en_install"). So far, I've only managed to repeat it with these two programs, tried it on 2 computers, even reformatted one after it failed and had the same problems after a complete reinstall. This is nuts!
Tried it both as admin & non-admin as well. The difference in size is that the swedish version is about 1.5 MB bigger (149.2 vs 147.7 MB). But I tried a 190 MB app and that didn't give me the error.

Any suggestions?


Valued Contributor III

I've managed to clear up all the packaging issues I had by exempting the /Library/Application Support/JAMF folder from our antivirus scans.

New Contributor II

Hi Franton!
Not running any antivirus on computers used for packaging, though... And I had the same problem on a completely virgin install of 10.9.4. I tried composing on a virtual 10.8.5 and that worked just dandy with the same Firefox...

Esteemed Contributor III

I'm guessing everyone tried logging in as a local user (not an AD or OD user) when making the package?


New Contributor II

@donmontalvo yes. I tried it on a computer with just an admin account, no imported settings, vanilla 10.9.4 installation, no binds whatsoever - US English firefox works, Swedish doesn't. Really odd quirk I must say.

New Contributor

I had this issue with Pep8. It's just a .app file in Applications too. Must be something within the app contents making it freak out? Maybe special char or file format or something within? All other software with composer has been fine. I was racking my brain over it for hours lol. pkg file worked but not dmg

New Contributor

anyone still dealing with this?

I'm having this problem with an adobe cs6 package using composer 9.65

Not using any antivirus, it's a fresh install of 10.9.5

edit: for what it's worth, UDZO is with an O, not a zer0... D:

Seems that using hdiutil on my own works. Didn't need to specify MB. Just ran

hdiutil create /path/of/wat.dmg -srcfolder /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Composer/Sources/sourc-of-wat.dmg/ROOT -gid 20 -mode 755 -puppetstrings -format UDZO

Contributor II

Just ran across this myself for the first time today while trying to make a DMG from a folder using Disk Utility (first time since upgrading to Yosemite). Using the -size option with hdiutil worked for me. Creating a .Trash folder as suggested elsewhere did not. Has anyone filed a bug report with Apple?