Posted on 09-02-2008 03:40 PM
Hi Guys,
Wondering if anyone has had much experience with the Casper Reporting functions and the custom templates...
I have created a couple of custom reports utilising various .jsp specifications, however I need to create a report every so often, detailing the usage logs of specific departments, including the dept name, building, machine name, ip, mac and of course usage data - specifically login/logout/usernames/times for each machine.
Although most functions can be called without drama within the jsp file, acquiring usage data in this manner is a bit more involving... If at all possible. Any help that someone can offer would be fantastic.
Wil Hutchins
Apple Administrator
Desktop Management Services
IT Resources
University of Tasmania
GPO Box 252-69
Hobart Tasmania 7001
William.Hutchins at
Ph 03 6226 6267
Mob 0417 364 239
Fx 03 6226 7171