Problem installing Winclone image


Hey gang,

We're trying to get some Mac minis configured with a dual boot setup using Casper Imaging. In the configuration Info window in Casper Admin, I have it setup to create a 60 GB NTFS partition and have selected our Windows 7 image that was captured with Winclone 2.2 using the instructions here:

However, I can't get the Winclone image to copy over. When I NetBoot into Casper Imaging, the drive is partitioned into Macintosh HD and WINDOWS. The Mac image and packages are installed as expected but when it gets to loading the Windows image, it sits there for a second and then moves past it and unmounts the distribution point. Nothing is copied to the Windows partition.

Casper is 8.1.

Any ideas?

Tom Anderson



We seem to have resolved this issue by putting the Winclone file into Casper Admin directly from the drive to which it was captured. Previously, we had placed it on a server after it was captured and then copied to another Mac and imported into Casper Admin. Maybe the permissions were getting tweaked just enough to throw it off.

On the same task, it seems the file transfer of the Winclone image is very slow compared to the speed at which the Mac image loads. What kind of performance are you guys seeing typically?


Not applicable

I do deploy dual images for 11 iMacs every month and I also see this issue with slow copying of the windows partition. Cheers

Carmelo Lopez Portilla

ITS EMBL Heidelberg
Tel. +49 (0) 6221 387 8444
Fax +49 (0) 6221 387 8517
email: lopez at


I talked with support and the slowness (relative to the Mac imaging) is because the Windows image isn't being block copied. Also turns out that part of the slowness we were seeing yesterday was a network configuration issue. End of the day result, it's workable as it's fitting within our desired imaging time requirements.
