Posted on 08-28-2017 08:30 AM
Greetings from the cornfields!
I recently came across a security concern where our tech support folks were adding interns to the local admin group on developer machines in order to use Xcode and interact with the system. Not exactly appropriate on multi-user Macs.
Apple has a method of allowing non-admins to use Xcode with the Developer Tools group (aka _developer) on the local DS. In the spirit of Self Service, I wrote the following to help users help themselves in this particular situation. I have it scoped to Macs with Xcode installed, but there could be other ways (static groups by request, etc.) that will display the policy. You could also use the Script Options and JSS variable to re-use the script for other local groups, but be careful as it could be used to add someone to the local admin group.
Uses bash to perform the actions and AppleScript to interact with the user at the Desktop.
# Add users to local _developer group for XCode
# This group is displayed as Developer Tools
# in the Directory Utility
# 2017 - Frank Wolf
# Variable Index
# $doWhat - add delete or cancel
# $addDev - accountname to add
# $delDev - accountname to delete
# $areWeDone - do it again or done
# Functions
ask_User() {
doWhat=$(osascript <<- doThis
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "Do you want to add or remove users for the local Developer Group" buttons {"Add", "Remove", "Cancel"}
set doWhat to (button returned of the result)
end tell
return doWhat
add_User() {
addDev=$(osascript <<-addUser
tell application "Finder"
set devUser to display dialog "Please enter the developers username." default answer ""
set addDev to (text returned of devUser)
end tell
return addDev
delete_User() {
delDev=$(osascript <<- delUser
tell application "Finder"
set Sources to the words 2 thru -1 of (do shell script "dscl . -read /Groups/_developer GroupMembership")
if Sources = {} then
display dialog "No users in local Developer group"
set delDev to choose from list Sources with title "Remove Developer Users." with prompt "Select the Users to remove." & return & return & "Use the Command key for multiple Selctions" OK button name "Next" cancel button name "Cancel" with multiple selections allowed
end if
end tell
return delDev
ask_Continue() {
areWeDone=$(osascript <<- doThis
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "User added or removed from local Developer group." & return & return & "Would you like to add or delete another user? " buttons {"Yep", "Nope"}
set areWeDone to (button returned of the result)
end tell
return areWeDone
# Main Script
echo "Welcome fellow Program"
echo "Starting add developer script"
# Keep prompting until user is finished
while [ $areWeDone != "Nope" ] ;
# Call ask function to get operation
echo $doWhat
case $doWhat in
echo "Adding user"
echo $addDev
dscl . append /Groups/_developer GroupMembership $addDev
echo "Deleting User"
echo $delDev
for devName in $delDev
dscl . -delete /Groups/_developer GroupMembership $devName
echo "User canceled"
exit 0
echo "We are done here."
exit 0