
Joined: April 2021

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  • 45 Posts
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User Activity

We are trying to understand how to pull what has been done when someone requests elevation through JamfConnect. I know that we can look at there reasonslog to see what reason they selected and when they elevated, but we will want to know what was cha...
Hi, we have a situation where we're seeing several devices that have recently checked in but aren't provided inventory updates which means some of our policies aren't kicking off. Is there a way to force a recon in this situation? Do we scope a recon...
Hello, since Ventura is now beyond it's 90 day deferral, is there anyway we can have those users still on Monterey upgrade to the latest security patch 12.6.3 within Monterey? We have used OSUpdateNotifier script in the past and used minor/major flag...